Subscribe: Receive important alerts and information about your development.

To cancel: Either click the “opt-out” link on the emails sent or alternatively inform us through our contact page.


Out of hours emergencies: 0345 606 7660
For all URGENT block communal maintenance issues occurring out of hours (i.e. after 5.30pm Monday-Thursday and after 5.00pm Friday & weekends), please contact our emergency service on 0345 606 7660.

All non-urgent issues will be dealt with during our normal Monday-Thursday office hours of 9.00am-5.30pm and Friday 9.00am-5.00pm.

Rough Sleepers and Antisocial Behaviour

Please report any rough sleepers or antisocial behaviour immediately to the Police via 101

Property Maintenance Manager is Judy Wyatt

Please report all communal maintenance issues using our online portal. This is monitored between the hours of 9am and 5.30pm from Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
Click here to report a problem
Window Cleaning
Windows are cleaned on a quarterly basis. You will receive a leaflet in your letterbox a few days before the works are carried out.
Car Parking
If you are unsure of your space allocation, please refer to your Lease document or tenancy agreement. If someone is parking in your space, please place this notice on the windscreen of the vehicle.
Compass Block Management does not have the power to clamp or remove vehicles. If you have reason to believe that a vehicle has been abandoned, please report this to the local authority. 
Noise Complaints
To report a noise complaint, you must provide the number of the apartment responsible. We will then write to the apartment in question.
Click here to report a noise complaint 
For persistent noise complaints, please report to Birmingham City Council by clicking here.
Building Insurance
Please click here to request a digital copy of the building insurance certificate.
The communal areas are cleaned once a week. 
Your Handbook
Please contact us to request your Gwenda Works handbook
Fire Safety Plan
Please see below Fire Safety Plan:-

Fire Safety Plan

If you are not happy with our services, you can read more about how we handle complaints in our COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE FOR BLOCK MANAGEMENT 2022
Refuse & Recycling
Your waste and recycling is collected by Birmingham City Council.
Click here for your collection day and other information about the service.
Bulky Waste
If you would like to dispose of bulky items such as furniture and appliances, please arrange a collection with Birmingham City Council.
Click here to book a collection.
Please do not leave bulky items in the bin store as they will not be collected.
Replacement Fobs
Please use the online prompt “report a problem within your development” to purchase a replacement car park remote and then select “other”. Thank you.
The cost of a replacement car park remote is £60.00 inc VAT.
Share Certificate
Please click here to request a share certificate.
Fire Alarm Testing
Fire alarms and smoke devices are tested to British Standards.
Click here to report a fault within working hours
In case of an emergency – please contact Fire Compliance Services on 0121 448 4404 (out of hours number: 03330 124191)
Grounds Maintenance
There are no communal grounds at this development.
Fees and Charges
Please click here to request a copy of the COMPASS BLOCK MANAGEMENT FEES AND CHARGES 2023
Dealing With Conflict & Confrontation From Other Members Of The Public
A reminder that members of staff for Compass Block Management are not police officers or police staff. They do not have any police powers. They are members of public and have the same rights and obligations of any other member of the public.

If any incidents do occur, please contact the police immediately via 999 (for all emergencies) or 101.



Date: 22/01/2025

Please be advised that an essential roof inspection is being carried out by contractors on Monday 27th January 2025 (subject to weather conditions).
This will involve scaffolding being erected making the car park inaccessible for 48 hours.

As such, could we ask that all vehicles are removed from the car park by 8.00am latest on Monday 27th January 2025. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this is relayed to your tenant(s) thank you.

Vehicles may be returned to the car park during the morning of Wednesday 29th January 2025.

We do apologise for any inconvenience caused during this time. We will, of course, advise if there are any changes to these arrangements.
Thank you for your co-operation.


Heading: Boiler Cover in Communal Area
Date: 08/03/2024

Would the leaseholder / resident responsible for the boiler cover that is in the communal area, arrange for it to be removed please.  We appreciate this may have been left by the contractors but if you could arrange for the cover to be taken to the local tip or organise for Birmingham City Council to come and collect direct from your apartment please.  Thank you.


Heading: Parking
Date: 21/02/2024

Would the owner of the Black Renault Clio – Registration Number: MK11 BMV remove their vehicle immediately as they are parking in a space which does not belong to them – thank you.


Heading: Parking
Date: 21/02/2024

For those apartments which have parking spaces, please ensure that you only park within the allocated parking space which belongs to your apartment.  For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that the correct parking space is relayed to your tenants so that they do not park in another leaseholder’s parking space.  Visitors must not park in other leaseholder’s spaces and must make arrangements to park off site.  Failure to comply will result in breach of lease charges being incurred and could result in TORT proceedings being followed to remove vehicles.  

Thank you for your urgent co-operation.


Heading: Noise
Date: 04/08/2023

A reminder to all residents that this is a multi occupancy development.  Please keep all noise to a minimum especially during the evenings, early hours of the morning and weekends.  Thank you for your urgent co-operation.


Heading: Boxed Area to Side of Gwenda Works & RSJs
Date: 04/08/2023

We are still chasing for a second quote – as soon as received, we can commence the S20 procedures.  We have contacted a number of companies to provide but have heard nothing back from them.


Heading: Bins
Date: 04/08/2023

We have relayed to the contact we have at the Council that unfortunately the recycling bins are not proving sufficient to meet the needs of the residents.  The main contact is off now on annual leave until 14th August 2023, however, we will keep you informed upon his response when he returns.  We have asked for his suggestions and recommendations.  In the meantime, the Council have asked that when the recycling bins are full that you put your recycling items in the general waste bins provided.  A reminder – please do not leave any waste or rubbish on top of the bins or outside of the bins on the floor – the bin men will not collect and this will attract pests and vermin.  We will provide an update as soon as we hear back from the Council.


Heading: Boxed Area to Side of Gwenda Works & RSJs
Date: 14/07/2023

We are gaining quotations with a view to organising repairs and redecoration to the boxed area and RSJs at Gwenda Works.  We are awaiting just one more quote before we then start the Section 20 process.  This will then be sent out to all leaseholders where further information will be provided.


Heading: Bin Collections
Date: 10/07/2023

We understand that bin collections have still been missed even though the road has been re-opened.  We have chased up the Council about this.  In the meantime, we have instructed private contractors to attend to empty the bins.  Please do not hesitate to contact the Council (as the waste services do form part of your Council Tax) and ourselves if the bins are still not collected by the Council on Friday.  Thank you.


Heading: Fire Alarm
Date: 27/02/2023

We are aware that faults have been displayed on the fire alarm.  The contractors have been out and rectified most of the problems.  They have advised that a replacement part is required in relation to one area which they have ordered and will return as soon as received.


Heading: Storage of Items and Personal Belongings in Communal Hallways and Stairways
Date: 10/11/2022

We note that some residents are storing personal items outside of their apartments, within the communal hallways and stairways.  Please ensure that all personal effects are stored within your apartment only and removed immediately from the communal areas. It is not only a breach of lease to store any items within the communal areas but a major fire risk and breaches Fire Regulations.

Failure to comply with the above will result in breach of lease charges being incurred and legal action being taken in the form of TORT Notices.  Thank you for your urgent co-operation.


Heading: Cobbled Street
Date: 19/10/2022

Further to our notification on 4 October 2022, we have heard back from the Council as follows:-

“As the highway authority for Birmingham, our aim is to keep the highway network, which includes roads, pavements and cycle paths, safe through carrying out regular safety inspections. The inspections are carried out by a team of qualified inspectors.

Highway defects are risk assessed by information that is provided to us and by safety inspectors who will exercise their judgement, discretion and training when deciding whether to record individual defects, and in which category to place them. Such judgements are based around a risk matrix.

When inspecting a road or if we receive a report of a potential hazard, we will review this based on the information available as to whether this needs immediate attention or are expected to need attention before the road will next be inspected.

If the defects present are minor and are not considered to need attention, we will monitor when we next inspect usually within six months.

Your service request has been investigated but unfortunately this didn’t meet the intervention levels that require repair at this moment in time. For further information and details on maintaining our roads and safety inspections then please go to our website

We aim to provide a full response within 28 days following the completion of our investigation, however if you still haven’t received a full response after this period or require an update then please use our online form quoting reference RSD045512″.

We will provide updates as we hear further.


Heading: Rubbish Removal
Date: 04/10/2022

Contractors have been instructed to remove the work surface that has been dumped in the car park.  A reminder that no items are to be dumped in the car park – it is the responsibility of the resident to ensure that large items are disposed of correctly by taking to the local tip or organising for the Council to collect direct from their apartment.


Heading: Gutter Clean
Date: 04/10/2022

We can advise that contractors have been instructed to carry out a gutter clean.


Heading: Cobbled Street
Date: 04/10/2022

The cobbled street fronting Gwenda Works is an adopted road falling under the responsibility of Birmingham City Council.  We are chasing to find out what repairs are going to be undertaken to the cobbled street following recent works (we understand to have been undertaken by BT or OpenReach but not confirmed).  We will provide updates as we hear further.


Heading: Neighbouring Development
Date: 12/09/2022

We note that barriers and debris have been left outside of the neighbouring development, making it difficult to gain access into Gwenda Works.  We will be reverting to the developers advising that they should not obstruct access.


Heading: Car Park
Date: 12/09/2022

A reminder to all residents that you are only permitted to park one vehicle within your allocated parking space.  If your space is not available when you have visitors, then your visitors must make alternative arrangements to park off site.  It is a breach of lease to park in someone else’s parking space and charges will be incurred.  Thank you for your urgent co-operation.


Heading: Rear Door Access Keypad
Date: 04/04/2022

Contractors have been instructed to address the rear door access keypad which is worn on the correct keys for the code.


Heading: Rubbish Removal
Date: 31/03/2022

We ask that the resident who has dumped cardboard boxes and kitchen fittings please remove them immediately and dispose of them correctly.  Residents are responsible for arranging the disposal of bulky items either by going to the local tip or organising for a collection from their apartment.  Thank you.


Heading: Car Park Gates
Date: 31/03/2022

We can confirm that the contractors have been instructed to check the gates given issues reported.


Heading: Meter Cupboard Lock
Date: 18/03/2022

Contractors have been instructed to take a look at the lock to the meter cupboard (housing some of the electric meters by the front door).  


Heading: Bins
Date: 20/10/2021

Following issues with bin collections in the area, we have been onto the Council.  We have been continually chasing up the Council and even reported to the Environmental Health.  Given that the bins are overflowing at Gwenda Works, we have instructed contractors to attend to empty the bins – we will be looking to recover the costs from the Council.


Heading: AM Power – Supplier At Risk
Date: 19/10/2021

Details: In light of recent news about energy providers, please find an announcement received from Ginger Energy in relation to AM Power – AM Power – Supplier At Risk


Heading: Main Front Door
Date: 18/08/2021

The cleaning contractors have been asked to wash down the front door when next attending to the internal cleaning taking into account the Listed Building status.


Heading: Rear Door & Wooden Panel 
Date: 18/08/2021

Contractors have been instructed to attend to sand down, repair and repaint the rear door and wooden panel (the wooden panel located in the communal area at the bottom of the stairs


Heading: Bins
Date: 18/08/2021

Given that there was a large amount of cardboard, other rubbish and bins full (due to issues with the bin men collection), we instructed contractors to attend on Monday 16th August 2021.  They attended and removed all the rubbish outside of the bins, together with the top bags on the bins so that the bin lids would shut down and swept up the debris.  


Heading: Bins
Date: 16/08/2021

We understand that the bin men have not collected the recycling bins for the past couple of weeks.  We have chased up the Council.  We are aware of issues in other neighbouring developments with lack of collections.  We have also reiterated the request for additional recycling bins and mentioned that the one bin in particular requires a replacement lid.

With the recycling bins full in the meantime, all recycling rubbish should be placed in the general waste bins provided until such time as the Council resume recycling collections – thank you.


Heading: Fire Extinguishers in Communal Areas
Date: 09/08/2021

Details: As you will have noted, the old fire extinguishers have been removed.  New fire extinguishers will not be placed in the communal areas.  This is as a result of the inspection and advice received from the Fire Risk Assessors in line with Fire Regulations:-

  • Residents are not trained in the use of fire extinguishers and risk using the wrong extinguisher on the wrong fire.
  • The Fire Brigade do not want the public fighting large fires.
  • The Fire Brigade do not want the public being put at risk in the event that they go into the communal area to retrieve extinguishers for a fire in their apartment – to then go back into a burning property.


Heading: Bicycles in Communal Areas of the Building
Date: 06/08/2021

Please note that no bicycles should be stored in any of the communal areas within the building.  This is a breach of lease and impacts on the Fire Risk Assessment. We are currently looking at quotes / recommendations for bike hooks by the car park, however, would the owner(s) of the 2 bicycles being left in the communal areas of the building please remove them immediately.


Heading: Scaffolding for Leak Investigation
Date: 06/08/2021

We are advised that the contractors, T & D Group, will be erecting scaffolding within the car park on Wednesday 11th August.  This is to carry out inspection works in relation to a leak to one of the apartments.  They advise they have increased the labour team to try and get this completed in a shorter timeframe to minimise disruption for you.

They will be commencing on Wednesday 11th August, with a view to completing on Thursday 12th if possible.  They could potentially run into the Friday but this will depend on how they get on. The team will be on site from 8.00am until 4.00pm each day – if Friday is required we are advised that this is likely to be a shorter day.

The contractors have advised that the way the wagon will be parked will mean that unfortunately there will be no access in or out of the car park during the erection of the scaffolding.  If you do have to make alternative parking arrangements whilst the access is blocked, please scan through parking receipts to [email protected].  Thank you.


Heading: Grounds Maintenance Work
Date: 09/07/2021

We can confirm that the contractors, Collins Co, will be in attendance on Tuesday 13th July 2021 to carry out essential grounds maintenance work.  This will include as a brief summary (covering the car park area and the outside ground floor passageway):

Cutting back all overgrowth, removing weeds, rubbish removal, cleaning drains, jetwashing and re-sanding of block pavers.

Please ensure that all vehicles are moved out of the car park by 9.00am on Tuesday 13th July 2021 (if you have tenants in situ, please ensure you relay to your tenants and / or letting agent).  This also includes any bikes and other items being removed from the car park and grounds.  Thank you.

Please note that the Management Company, Compass Block Management and Collins Co will not accept any responsibility or liability for any accidents, damage or loss incurred to any vehicles or items that have not been removed from the car park or outside passageway as this is prior notice.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Heading: Package Disposal
Date: 23/06/2021

Whilst in attendance on site we noted empty cardboard packaging had just been left in the communal area.  A reminder that all packaging should be disposed of correctly and not left in any of the communal areas or car park.


Heading: Front Door
Date: 08/06/2021
Contractors are booked out to take a look at the front door lock which is not functioning properly.


Heading: Car Park Gates
Date: 21/01/2021

Details: The contractors will be back on site again today to continue with necessary repair works to the gates.  We are advised that the contractors tethered the gates back in the meantime to ensure that residents had access.


Heading: Car Park Gates – Update
Date: 14/01/2021

Details: The contractor advises that they are looking to carrying out the repairs to the gates hopefully on Monday 18th January 2021.


Heading: Car Park Gates
Date: 07/01/2021

Details: Please do not plug the mag lock back in as the contractors have left disconnected.  A new motor is on order which is the cause of the problems with the gates at the moment.  As soon as the part arrives, the contractors will attend to the repair.  Thank you.


Heading: Green Waste
Date: 14/12/2020

Details: Contractors were on site on Saturday.  They have left bags of green waste on site for the moment – they have made us aware and will be coming back to remove this week.


Heading: Main Gates
Date: 10/12/2020

Details: Contractors have advised us that there is an issue with the main arm on the one car park gate.  This arm requires replacing which the contractors will be attending to.  The contractors will attend to as soon as the part arrives – they have marked as urgent.


Heading: Main Gates Part 
Date: 04/12/2020

Details: The contractors have been instructed following reports that the gates appear to be intermittently working.  We understand that the car park remotes are opening the gates but the gates are unfortunately not opening all the way.  On some occasions the gates are opening fully.


Heading: Scaffolding for Insurance Roof Repairs
Date: 06/11/2020

Details: To confirm that scaffolding will be erected at Gwenda Works for insurance roof repairs from Wednesday 11th November 2020.  The scaffolding is expecting to be in place for around 3 – 4 weeks.  The contractors will do their best to keep any inconvenience down to a minimum.

Heading: Internal Front Door
Details: Contractors have been booked out to attend to the internal front door which is not locking properly. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Bins
Date: 05/11/2020

We understand that the bin men have not collected the bins for the past couple of weeks.  We will also send a chaser over to them about this.  Unfortunately, they will not collect the recycling bins if general waste is put into them.  In the meantime, we have instructed the cleaning contractors to attend to empty the bins given the delay being experienced by the Council. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Water Leak and Water Disruption
Date: 26/10/2020

Contractors are on site due to an issue with a leak from the main stop valve.  You may experience some disruption to your water supply for around 30 – 45 minutes.  Many apologies for this whilst they try to resolve the issue.


Heading: Water Supply Issue
Date: 22/10/2020

Following disruptions to the water supply at Gwenda Works, a plumber has been in attendance since yesterday evening and working alongside Severn Trent to resolve the issue.  We have been advised that the fault is not down to the development but, despite what Severn Trent had originally suspected, there is a fault with the Severn Trent Water supply.  They believe that a new valve is required to the main pipework.  We are advised that Severn Trent will be closing off the road to carry out the works.  They advise that you should see engineers around lunchtime and they advise that the supply should all be reconnected by the end of the day.  Severn Trent are also arranging for crates of water to be dropped off and one of your neighbours has kindly agreed to take delivery for everyone.


Heading: Fire Safety for the Home
Date: 14/10/2020

Details: Please find a copy of the latest safety advice for the home – Fire safety poster ARMA-HFRS (1).October 2020

Heading: Water Supply Issue
Date: 07/10/2020

We understand that there are still issues with the water supply.  We have been speaking with Severn Trent who advise that they have been experiencing problems and this was up until around 8.00pm yesterday.  They have logged under reference 2004904114 that there still appears to be problems.  We have also instructed contractors, CS Electrical Plumbing & Building Services Ltd, to attend just in case there is a coincidental issue with the development. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Water Supply Issue
Date: 07/10/2020

We have noted that Severn Trent have been present in Legge Lane.  We are not sure whether residents have experienced any issues but on checking the Severn Trent Water website, it is noted that that there has been a water supply issue but that works are now complete. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Rubbish Build Up
Date: 28/08/2020

Contractors have been instructed to take a look at the situation with the build up of rubbish outside the basement window for 2 Gwenda Works.  We have asked them to advise on what covering may be put in place and quote for necessary works. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Cleaning
Date: 28/08/2020

Cleaning contractors have been instructed to attend to the build up of rubbish outside the basement window of 2 Gwenda Works, clear the car park of leaves and attend to the courtyard that is full of weeds.


Heading: Car Park Gates
Date: 03/07/2020

Contractors have been booked out to attend to the gates which are reported as being wide open. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 15/06/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 12.06.2020

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 05/06/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 05.06.2020

Heading: Rear Exit Door to Car Park
Date: 01/06/2020

Contractors have been instructed to attend to the rear exit door to the car park.  We understand that the keypad may be broken. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 29/05/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 29.05.2020

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Police Update
Date: 28/05/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – West Midlands Police update 28.05.2020

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 15/05/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 15.05.2020

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Police Update
Date: 15/05/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands Police update we have received Covid 19 – police update 15.05.2020

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 07/05/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 07.05.2020

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 05/05/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid update – 01.05.2020

Heading: Purple Bricks Board
Date: 01/05/2020

We have contacted Purple Bricks advising that they must remove their board.  We have advised that the building is a listed building and signs should not be placed on or near to the building.  They have advised they have booked a contractor to attend to remove – this should be within 3 – 5 working days although may take a little longer due to limited services under Covid 19. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 27/04/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid update – 24.04.2020

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 20/04/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid update

Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 01/04/2020

Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received:-


West Midlands COVID-19 Update Latest updates as at: Monday 30 March 2020, 20:00

Purpose of this briefing

This is a regularly updated briefing which aims to give regional stakeholders: ·         An overview of the spread of COVID-19 in the urban West Midlands (Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton) ·         A single view of the actions of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and the Mayor of the West Midlands in response to COVID-19 ·         A guide on where to find detailed regional information to support the existing national Government guidance

Latest Headlines

·         There have been 1,372 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the West Midlands. This makes the West Midlands the biggest regional hotspot for COVID-19 after London. ·         Work has begun on a new Nightingale Hospital at the National Exhibition Centre in Solihull with capacity for 5,000 beds which will open in mid-April [BBC News, 27 March 2020]. Work has also begun on a mortuary at Birmingham Airport with the capacity for 1,500 bodies [BBC News, 27 March 2020] ·         86% reduction in public transport journeys in the West Midlands as the public follow Government advice [TfWM, 29 March 2020] ·         Set up Community Support Hub website, where people can find local groups near them [WMCA, 27 March 2020]


Key messages to the public

Stay at home

You must stay at home, only leaving for the following very limited purposes:  ·         Shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible ·         One form of exercise a day – for example, a run, walk or cycle – alone or with members of your immediate household ·         Any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person ·         Travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home.

Protect the NHS

You must stay at home to protect the NHS:  ·         The NHS only has a limited number of doctors, nurses and specialist equipment ·         We are working around the clock to increase NHS capacity ·         The more people who get sick, the harder it is for the NHS to cope ·         We must slow the spread of the disease so that fewer people are sick at any one time.

Save lives

You must stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. The police will have the powers to enforce the following restrictions:   ·         Dispersing gatherings of more than two people in public, excluding people you live with ·         Issuing fines to anyone who does not comply with these rules ·         Closing shops that are not essential, as well as playgrounds and places of worship.

Message from Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands

“We’re in the midst of an immensely challenging time for everyone in the West Midlands, and we’re all rightly worried about our family members, friends and neighbours. The West Midlands response has been phenomenal. There are plenty of tough weeks ahead, but I know we are well placed to get through this. Thank you to everyone for showing such resolve and responsibility. Please follow the Government advice, stay at home, protect our NHS, and save lives.”


Further information

·         View details of WMCA COVID-19 support and guidance ·         Latest WMCA Communications updates ·         Full guidance on staying at home ·         Find the most up to date medical advice

Latest COVID-19 Public Health England and NHS update

·         There have been 1,372 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the West Midlands. This makes the West Midlands to biggest regional hotspot for COVID-19 after London ·         Work has begun on a new Nightingale Hospital at the National Exhibition Centre in Solihull with capacity for 5,000 beds which will open in mid-April [BBC News, 27 March 2020]. Work has also begun on a mortuary at Birmingham Airport with the capacity for 1,500 bodies. [BBC News, 27 March 2020] Confirmed Cases Local Authority                                       Sat 28/3               Sun 29/3         Mon 30/3 Birmingham                                            428                       513                 578 Coventry                                                 54                         79                   101 Dudley                                                    83                         122                 136 Sandwell                                                116                        138                 144 Solihull                                                   54                          74                   87 Walsall                                                   108                       125                 151 Wolverhampton                                      116                       153                 175 Totals                                                      959                      1,204               1,372 Correct as at 17:00, 30 March 2020  



Further information

·         Latest PHE / NHS data on COVID-19 cases in the West Midlands


WMCA’s response to COVID-19

WMCA has been focused on the following six areas of activity in response to COVID-19, working closely with our seven constituent councils, and focusing on the areas where the Combined Authority can add to what is being done by Government and other public bodies: ·         Strategic Co-ordination across the Public Sector: Working together across the public sector to ensure that the response to COVID-19 is joined up and effective as possible ·         Protecting the Regional Economy: Working with businesses and representative organisations to make sure that support is provided to businesses and workers to ensure the West Midlands economy can recover as swiftly as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak ·         Running the Transport Network: Reducing services because of the guidance limiting travel in the region, but running sufficient services on train, Metro and bus networks to allow key workers to get to their work in a safe manner ·         Supporting All Our Communities: Ensuring all communities of the West Midlands are looked after during the COVID-19 outbreak, including all faith and ethnic minority groups and other vulnerable groups such as the homeless, those with mental health issues or disabilities and older people ·         Communicating with the Public: Giving clear guidance to people in the West Midlands about what they are expected to do during the COVID-19 outbreak ·         Adapting the WMCA’s Own Operations: Ensuring our staff are safe and healthy, while continuing the activities of WMCA.

Strategic Co-ordination across the Public Sector

Context: The response to COVID-19 will require the joined-up working between different public sector organisations to tackle the outbreak and the impact on public services and the regional economy. WMCA is well-positioned to work closely with public sector bodies given its existing collaborative working relationships, particularly with councils and with those agencies involved in transport, housing, skills, employment, policing and health. The purpose of this activity is: ·         Work closely with other public sector organisations ·         Support regional resilience planning and resourcing The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: ·         Regional Strategic Co-ordinating Group: (Senior leaders from West Midlands Police, Councils, NHS, PHE, WMCA) reporting to COBR in London ·         Regular Mayor and Council Leaders Conference Calls (Mayor, Council Leaders, Respective Chief Executives, briefed by other agency leaders e.g. Chief Constable of West Midlands Police) ·         Calls between the Mayor and leaders from the NHS, Public Health England, Police and other public bodies.


Protecting the Regional Economy

Context: The public health measures, which have been implemented to slow the spread of COVID-19, are having a huge impact on the West Midlands economy. Government has put in place unprecedented support measures to help businesses and workers through this time. The WMCA is working with representative organisations to make sure that this support is getting through to businesses and workers, and is working on plans to accelerate the economic recovery after the COVID-19 outbreak. The purpose of this activity is: ·         Monitor the latest economic situation for businesses in the West Midlands ·         Ensure Government support is reaching West Midlands businesses and workers ·         Lobbying Government to secure further support for West Midlands businesses and workers ·         Prepare for the economic recovery following the COVID-19 outbreak ·         Connecting West Midlands businesses with the frontline public sector organisations e.g. the NHS, who may need support. The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: ·         Regular Economic Contingency Group meetings (WMCA, Councils, TUC, LEPs, Chambers of Commerce, West Midlands Growth Company, Bank of England, BEIS) Latest updates: ·         Set up West Midlands COVID-19 Business Support website, which sets out the support available to businesses and key contacts in the West Midlands [WMCA, 25 March 2020] ·         Lobbied for further support for self-employed workers, in the run up to the Chancellor’s announcement of further measures [WMCA, 24 March 2020; GOV.UK, 26 March 2020] ·         Promoted Government request for engineering support for ventilator manufacturing to West Midlands firms [GOV.UK, 16 March 2020], with Meggitt, the aerospace company based in Coventry, forming part of the VentilatorChallengeUK consortium [Meggitt, 30 March 2020] ·         Organising a series of sector-based business roundtables to understand the impact of COVID-19 on different sectors and how well current support plans are working ·         Working with banks (Lloyds, NatWest, HSBC UK and Barclays) in the region to ensure that businesses have sufficient liquidity.

Running the Transport Network

Context: Due to the Government’s guidance limiting people’s movement, Transport for West Midlands has been working with operators to reduce the number of services to the appropriate level to be sufficient for key workers. The purpose of this activity is: ·         Run a limited service to allow key workers to access work and residents to be able to access essential shopping and healthcare ·         Protect the health and safety of all those working on the transport network ·         Ensure that operators are able to able to reinstate full transport services when the lockdown is finished. The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: ·         TfWM ·         Bus Alliance (bus operators across the West Midlands) ·         West Midlands Rail Executive (councils and rail operators in the West Midlands) Latest updates: ·         Train, Metro and rail networks are operating reduced services because of the updated Government COVID-19 guidance [West Midlands Network, 30 March 2020] ·         86% reduction in public transport journeys in the West Midlands as the public follow Government advice [TfWM, 29 March 2020] ·         Public are urged not to travel in the West Midlands unless absolutely necessary  [TfWM, 23 March 2020] ·         Train franchise agreements are suspended and emergency measures are implemented where train companies operate services for a management fee [GOV.UK, 23 March 2020] ·         Transport construction projects controlled by TfWM, including Midland Metro Alliance works are temporarily paused [MMA, 23 March 2020] ·         Peak time travel restrictions are lifted for older passengers to be able to access dedicated supermarket opening hours [TfWM, 18 March 2020] ·         Cleaning services are strengthened on bus, train and metro services across the West Midlands. [TfWM, 18 March 2020]


Supporting All Our Communities

Context: During this challenging time for the region, all communities need to come together to support people, particularly those who are vulnerable. WMCA and councils are working together to ensure that community efforts can contribute to the overall response to the COVID-19 outbreak effectively. The purpose of this activity is: ·         Work with faith and community organisations to co-ordinate support for those who need it ·         Support vulnerable communities in the West Midlands like those with mental health issues, disabilities or the homeless ·         The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: ·         Faith leaders who have previously been engaged by WMCA, for example at the Mayor and Faith Conference ·         WMCA and Mayor’s Office working closely with local authorities Latest updates: ·         Set up Community Support Hub website, where people can find local groups near them [WMCA, 27 March 2020] ·         Making a listing of online learning courses available for people who are furloughed or working from home in the West Midlands [WMCA, 27 March 2020] ·         Hosted a webinar meeting of faith leaders to discuss community support offered by faith groups, encourage congregations to worship safely from home, and tackling hate crime ·         Launched a new call for donations to the Change Into Action alternative giving scheme to help the homeless in the West Midlands [WMCA, 25 March 2020]

Communicating with the Public

Context: During the COVID-19 outbreak, it is critical that the public understand the medical guidance and act accordingly to tackle the virus. Due to restrictions on contact, public services will also have to change, and these changes need communicating to the public. Furthermore, this will be a worrying time for residents, and there is a need to reassure and comfort people, and to celebrate positive stories of people supporting one another through the crisis. The purpose of this activity is: ·         Ensure people in the West Midlands understand the Government’s guidance ·         Provide clear regional guidance on changes to public services, such as new transport timetables or skills provision ·         Explain what is being done in the West Midlands and reassure the public that there is a committed regional response to the crisis ·         Make the case for further Government support. The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: ·         Regular Regional Press Briefing Sessions: These briefing sessions for the press are hosted by representatives from a range of public sector organisations in the region, including the Mayor, Public Health England, the NHS, West Midlands Police, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Birmingham City Council, and the Local Resilience Forum ·         West Midlands Regional Communications Directors’ Calls: These calls allow Communications Directors from councils, WMCA and other public bodies to co-ordinate communications activities across the West Midlands. Latest updates: ·         Amplifying the Government’s official guidance on COVID-19 to people in the West Midlands through WMCA’s communications channels ·         Providing clear regional guidance on changes to public services, such as new transport timetables or skills provision ·         Explaining what is being done in the West Midlands and making the case for further Government support through the Mayor’s media appearances.


Adapting WMCA’s Own Operations

Context: WMCA as an organisation has responsibilities for supporting economic growth in the West Midlands, including transport, housing, skills, and making sure everyone in the West Midlands benefits from that economic growth through work on areas like mental health and homelessness. During the COVID-19 outbreak, WMCA will adapt to support the immediate needs of the West Midlands, working closely with public sector partners, and will also ensure that essential WMCA activities continue. The purpose of this activity is: ·         Keep our staff and those of our suppliers safe and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak ·         Reprioritise effort towards meeting the immediate needs for tackling the COVID-19 outbreak ·         Ensure essential WMCA operations continue. The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: ·         WMCA Senior Leadership Team, led by Deborah Cadman, Chief Executive, WMCA ·         TfWM Leadership Team, led by Laura Shoaf, Managing Director, TfWM Latest updates: ·         Staff members have been instructed to work from home if they can, and only essential staff can work at the WMCA office at 16 Summer Lane in Birmingham ·         Supporting WMCA suppliers by shortening payment terms from ’30 days’ to ‘zero days’ and bolstering the team to ensure fast payments [WMCA] ·         Providing financial assurances to colleges and adult education providers in the West Midlands about future payments from WMCA. [WMCA, 24 March 2020]

  Heading: Coronavirus (CORVID19) – ISOLATION Date: 31/03/2020 Details: ISOLATION If you are in self-isolation because you have or may have contracted Covid-19 it is vital that you let us know as soon as possible so that we can contact the rest of the residents to let them know that they should take extra precautions and increase their sanitation and so that, as necessary, we can organise a deep clean of the communal areas in accordance with PHE guidance. When you contact us, please can you also advise how you are organising deliveries, particularly food, to your apartment and how rubbish is to be disposed of. Please remember: –

  • rubbish should only be placed outside of your apartment door at a specific time for collection.
  • that whoever is picking up the rubbish should be properly protected.
  • that all rubbish must be double bagged.
  • rubbish which contains personal waste (e.g. tissues) and cleaning cloths must be isolated within the flat for 72 hours before being disposed of in communal bin stores.

We would also ask that you also let us know if you become aware that any of your neighbours have gone into self-isolation. For further useful guidance regarding isolation and social distancing please go to ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Bins
Date: 30/03/2020

We have reported to the Council about the bins overflowing.  We understand that a few developments in the area are experiencing problems the same problems, in particular with the recycling bin collections.  We have asked the contact we have at the Council to address urgently. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Coronavirus (CORVID19) – update
Date: 24/03/2020

Following government guidelines, all staff for Compass Block Management are working remotely from home until further notice. Please continue to report any block maintenance issues via our online reporting system. If you wish to speak to a member of staff by phone but are experiencing any problems getting through, please email [email protected]. Please leave your name, phone number, first line of your address and a quick summary of your enquiry in order that we may forward onto the relevant member of staff to respond to you. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to maintain services as much as possible during this period. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Coronavirus (CORVID19)
Date: 18/03/2020

As you will be aware, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is spreading across the country and is a cause for concern for all of us. It is anticipated that COVID-19 will cause disruption to all businesses and to our day-to-day lives over the coming weeks and months. As the government’s guidance is likely to change as time passes, we would like to make you aware we have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place to enable us to maintain a level of service during these unprecedented and difficult times. Our office is currently open, but we have systems in place to allow our staff to work remotely if required. However, in the event that our BCP is put into effect and our office has to close, even with key staff working from home and engineers/contractors in the field, it is highly likely that you will experience some disruption in the services provided due to reduced capability. We will do whatever we can to minimise any such disruption but would ask for your patience and understanding while we work to maintain services during this period. You will appreciate this is an evolving situation. We will continue to act on the advice provided by Public Health England and will inform you if there is any material change to our business continuity.  For further information and the latest advice regarding CORVID-19, please visit: – As it important that we are all kept up to date about the spread of CORVID-19, we ask that you inform us immediately if you or if you know of anyone in your apartment block who has either been diagnosed with CORVID-19 or advised to self-isolate. We can then make the other residents and the building service contractors aware of the situation. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. Important – For Owners & Residents To help protect the developments and individual properties during this period, we urge owners to ensure that all their electrical appliances, boilers, heaters, water supply, kitchen and bathroom plumbing are checked and maintained to minimise leaks.  For all owners & residents, please ensure that the security of the development is maintained by ensuring the communal doors are shut when entering and exiting the premises.  Please also be mindful of your neighbours regarding noise, especially during the day with more people having to work from home during this difficult period. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Gates
Date: 28/02/2020
We have been out on site to check the gates.  They are working now.  The contractors will, however, take a look at them tomorrow in any event. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Gates
Date: 28/02/2020
Following a report of an issue with the gates, we have instructed contractors immediately. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Recycling Bins
Date: 28/01/2020
The Council have advised that their recycling collections are still being affected by staffing issues.  They are currently looking at obtaining further assistance. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Light Bulb & Sensor Sweep
Date: 20/01/2020
Following a report that some bulbs are out at Gwenda Works, contractors have been instructed to carry out a light bulb and sensor sweep for Gwenda Works. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Gates
Date: 20/01/2020
Following issues experienced with the gates not working properly over the weekend, contractors have been booked out to attend.  We have been on site this morning and manually opened.  We are advised that the issue is not as a result in the drop in temperature but due to an issue with the shoe magnet which we have asked the contractors to attend to. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Bin Collections
Following issues with the bin collections last year, we have been speaking again with Birmingham City Council.  We are advised they have addressed the problems and that going forward there will be regular bin collections. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Rear back door 
Date: 16/12/19
Contractors have been instructed following reports that the push button system on the rear door is sticking. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Gates
Date: 16/12/19
Following issues experienced with the gates not working properly over the weekend, contractors have been booked out to attend to carry out an inspection on the gates. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Roof Issue – Flashing
Following a report about the flashing come away to the rear of the building, contractors have been instructed to attend.  They have advised that there are all kinds of health & safety requirements to put in place.  Given the forecast for strong winds over the weekend, we have asked them to do any temporary fixes to hold over if they are not able to carry out full works in time. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Bin Collections
We have been speaking with the Council about the lack of bin collections.  The Assistant Service Manager inspected the site yesterday and will be meeting with Jeremy next week on site to discuss the issues. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Annual and Regular Service Checks on Hot Water Cylinders and Boilers
We ask that all owners ensure their hot water cylinders & boilers are inspected on an annual basis with a copy of the Certificate provided to us.  Please note that owners may be held accountable for the full cost of repairs to communal areas and neighbouring properties if the cause was found to be faulty equipment that had not been regularly checked and maintained. We also recommend that your apartment is checked on a monthly basis for areas where leaks can appear especially during these colder months:-

  • Plumbing below sinks, dishwashers, washing machines and toilets
  • Beneath kitchen units by removing the kick panels
  • Seals around kitchen splashbacks and taps
  • Checking the airing cupboard to view hot water cylinders / boilers and other connections
  • Seals around the joints between tiles and baths or showers

When a leak does occur, it will often be the result of a very simple issue that could have been detected at an earlier opportunity.  To reduce the chance of leaks and therefore minimising costs to yourselves and impacting on your neighbours, please do carry out regular checks on your apartments.  Please forward Annual Certificates to [email protected] to confirm that hot water cylinders and boilers are being serviced and maintained. Thanking you for your co-operation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Recycling Bins
A reminder to all residents that when the recycling bins are full please put your recycling waste in the general waste bins provided.  There are still issues with the bin collections.  Also, a reminder that under no circumstances should items be left in the bin store – the bin men WILL NOT take these items away.  Rubbish should be disposed of correctly and if residents have any larger items to dispose of then they should arrange for a collection direct with the Council or take the items themselves direct to the local tip.  We have received reports that someone has dumped furniture in the bin store so we have had to organise the cleaning contractors to come out to clean up the mess. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Gates
Date: 12/11/19
Contractors have in attendance and we are advised that the gates are now in full working order. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Recycling Bins
We have been advised by the Council that unfortunately again “the recycling service is severely behind at the moment”.  The Council have advised all residents to place all rubbish in the general bins for the moment.  Thank you.


Heading: Gates
Date: 12/11/19
Contractors have been booked out to attend urgently following issues with the car park gates. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heading: Recycling Bins
We have been advised by the Council that unfortunately “the recycling service is severely behind at the moment”.  The Council have advised all residents to place all rubbish in the general bins for the moment.  Thank you.


Heading: Recycling Bins
Date: 04/07/19
We are advised by the Council that unfortunately they are still behind with recycling bin collections and the service re-design is still ongoing.  They advise that looking ahead they are starting to see better staffing levels and hopefully a return to consistency.  They do advise that from next week the service should improve but the main problem area they are experiencing at the moment is the recycling area.  In the meantime, residents are asked to ensure that all rubbish (including recycling) is placed in the general paladins provided when the recycling bins become full.  Please ensure that all rubbish is broken down.  Thank you.


Heading: Front Door
Date: 27/06/19
Details: Contractors are booked out to take a look at the front door lock which is not functioning properly.

Heading: Lighting & Key Cover
Date: 22/03/19
Details: Cleaning contractors have been booked to attend to cleaning the light covers and also to address the weeds that are starting to grow again in the car park and across the main front entrance to the building.


Heading: Cleaning
Date: 22/03/19
Details: Cleaning contractors have been booked to attend to cleaning the light covers and also to address the weeds that are starting to grow again in the car park and across the main front entrance to the building.


Heading: Back Door
Date: 15/03/19
Details: Contractors have been booked to attend as the lock on the back door by number 1 is faulty.  The door will let you out but unfortunately will not let you back in.  We have put a notice on the door to advise that the lock is faulty.


Heading: Gates
Date: 11/03/19 – UPDATE
Details: We have received confirmation that the gates have been repaired.

Heading: Gates
Date: 11/03/19
Details: We have received a report to advise that the gates are unfortunately faulty.  We have booked out a contractor to attend and asked them to attend urgently.

Heading: Gates
A contractor has been on site due to problems with the gates. There is an issue with the beams. A set of beams have been ordered and a contractor will come out in the morning to fit. In the meantime, the contractor has had to leave the gates open. 


Heading: Lock on Front Door
Contractors have provided feedback on a long term solution given the issues with the lock on the front door. They will be providing a quote for the works. 

Heading: Recycling Bins
We have been regularly chasing the Council for an update with regards to the issues with lack of collection of the recycling bins. We have today received the following advice from the Council : As industrial action is ongoing please use the refuse bins for the time being to avoid further issues. We will keep you updated as we hear further. 


Heading: Front Door
There have been issues with the front door which Contractors have attended to. Unfortunately, it would appear that the front door is sticking again. Contractors have been instructed to attend urgently and address with a long term solution to get this resolved. 


Heading: Car Park Gates
Contractors have been booked out to attend to the car park gates which we understand are opening only half way. 


Heading: Front Communal Door
Contractors have been booked out to attend to the front door following a report that unfortunately the door is not locking when exiting the building. We have asked the contractors to attend urgently. 


Heading: Recycling Bins
We have spoken with the Council today who have confirmed that there is a city wide problem with the collection of the recycling bins. Can we ask that in the meantime residents dispose of all rubbish including their recycling rubbish in the general waste paladins provided. Please ensure that all cardboard is broken down to fit into the bin allowing for other residents to add items too. Please do not leave items outside of the bins as this will not be collected. Thanking you for your co-operation. 


Heading: Front Communal Door
Contractors have been booked out to attend to the front door which is reported as not closing again properly. 


Heading: Front Communal Door Lock
Following a report that there is still an issue with the front door lock, the Director has been on site with the contractor. The catch is not engaging properly. The contractor is booked to repair. 

Heading: Homeless people
Having met with the police to raise concerns about the level of homeless people in the area, the police have asked that residents report immediately to them via “101” if a homeless person is causing problems. The police are the only ones that have the power to remove the homeless people away. 

Heading: Communal Door
The contractors have been out to repair the lock. They were also looking to install a “catchless lock”, however, have been unable to source one. As such, they have taken off one of the catches so this means that the lock can no longer be left on the latch. 

Heading: Communal Door
Contractors have been urgently instructed to attend to the main front door which is locked and will not open. It would appear that the latch is also broken. 

Heading: Urgent Message – reporting issues
We only received the report last night from one of the residents advising that the gates had not been working properly since Saturday. Can we ask all residents to ensure that they report any maintenance issues at the development immediately onto on our online system – please do not assume that your neighbours have reported – thank you. 

Heading: Car Park Gates
We have received a report that there is an issue with the gates not closing. We have instructed contractors to attend. 

Heading: Communal Door & Gates
Contractors have been instructed to attend to the main front door. They have also been booked to attend to the vehicular gates as we understand that one gate remains open. 

Heading: Building Security
Contractors have been instructed to put in a catchless lock for the front door given that residents are leaving on the latch. We have also requested quotations for CCTV and additional lighting on site. 

Heading: Building Security
Please do not leave the front door yale lock on the latch. The door must be kept shut properly at all times. Please also ensure that the door is closed firmly behind you when entering and exiting the building. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this is relayed to your tenants. Thank you. 

Heading: Car Park Gates
Despite recent repairs, we understand that there has been a problem with the gates again today. A contractor has been in attendance and closed the gates for now. We have been made aware that further repairs are required. 

Heading: Bins
We are aware that the recycling bins do not appear to have been emptied. We have reported to the Council asking that they attend immediately. 

Heading: Section 20 – External Redecoration & Masonry Repair
A Section 20 has been issued to all apartment owners for external redecoration works and masonry repair. The consultation period will end on Thursday 16th May 2018;

Heading: Car Park Gates
Due to the faults with the car park gates, contractors are on site today (17th April 2018) to replace the control board. Please note that residents who hold “old style” car park remotes then unfortunately these will not work with the control board. Please make contact with the Compass Office on 0121 236 5757 – option 2 as you will need to swap over the remote. Residents who hold “Nice” car park remotes will not need to replace these remotes as these will continue to work. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. 

Heading: Disruption to Water Supply on Wednesday 18th April 2018
Please note that the annual water tank chlorination will be taking place on Wednesday 18th April 2018. As a result, the water supply to your apartments will be turned off for approximately 4 hours while the chlorination takes place. Please be prepared for this disruption. We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your co-operation and understanding. 

Heading: Car Park Gates & Fire Alarm
Date: 03/04/18
We have been made aware that there is a fault with the gates and an issue with the fire alarm panel. Contractors have been instructed to attend.

Heading: Precautions for Pipework
Date: 27/03/18
Following the extreme weather conditions a couple of weeks ago, contractors have boxed in and insulated pipework near the tank room.

Heading: Bulky Collections
Date: 06/03/18
A reminder that for bulky items, owners are to organise direct with Birmingham City Council for their removal. Thank you.

Heading: Bins
Date: 06/03/18
Due to the recent adverse weather conditions and suspension of refuse and recycling collections on Friday 2nd March 2018, the Council are advising that missed collections from next week will be collected on the next scheduled collection date which is Friday 9th March 2018.

Heading: Disruption to Water Supply – further update
Date: 02/03/18
The pipes have been defrosted for Gwenda Works which were causing the issue for Apartments 8 – 11. The water supply has now been restored.

Heading: Disruption to Water Supply
Date: 02/03/18
Apartments 8 – 11 unfortunately have no water. Severn Trent, Contractors and Directors of York Laurent were all in attendance until early evening yesterday. They are still trying to identify the problem. Further updates will follow.

Heading: Gates
Date: 16/02/18
A contractor has attended and gates are now fully operational.

Heading: Gates
Date: 15/02/18
Following contact today that there is a fault with the gates, a contractor has been booked to attend.

Heading: Gate Panel
Date: 29/01/18
The issue with the control panel for the gates has been reported. A contractor has attended to repair to avoid further water ingress with poor weather conditions.

Heading: Door Closure and Security
The external door has been adjusted to allow secure closure from a shorter distance away. Unfortunately due to the age and nature of the inner door, this cannot be adjusted any further. Please take care to ensure that the inner door is always closed securely behind you.

Heading: Periodic Fire Alarm Maintenance
The periodic fire alarm maintenance will be carried out on site today. There will be minimal disruption to residents.