Subscribe: Receive important alerts and information about your development.
To cancel: Either click the “opt-out” link on the emails sent or alternatively inform us through our contact page.
Out of hours emergencies: 0345 606 7660
For all URGENT block communal maintenance issues occurring out of hours (i.e. after 5.30pm Monday-Thursday and after 5.00pm Fridays, weekends and Bank Holidays), please contact our emergency service on 0345 606 7660.
All non-urgent issues will be dealt with during our normal Monday-Thursday office hours of 9.00am-5.30pm and Friday 9.00am-5.00pm.
Rough Sleepers and Antisocial Behaviour
Please report any rough sleepers or antisocial behaviour immediately to the Police via 101
Property Maintenance Manager is Judy Wyatt
Please report all communal maintenance issues using our online portal. This is monitored between the hours of 9.00am and 5.30pm from Monday to Thursday, 9.00am and 5.00pm Friday, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays.
Click here to report a problem
Window Cleaning
Windows are cleaned on a quarterly basis. You will receive a leaflet in your letterbox a few days before the works are carried out.
Car Parking
If you are unsure of your space allocation, please refer to your Lease document or tenancy agreement. If someone is parking in your space, please place this notice on the windscreen of the vehicle.
Compass Block Management does not have the power to clamp or remove vehicles. If you have reason to believe that a vehicle has been abandoned, please report this to the local authority.
Noise Complaints
To report a noise complaint, you must provide the number of the apartment responsible. We will then write to the apartment in question.
Click here to report a noise complaint
For persistent noise complaints, please report to Birmingham City Council by clicking here.
Building Insurance
Please click here to request a digital copy of the building insurance certificate.
Subletting Information Form
Please ensure that each time there is a change in your tenancy details that you complete and return a Subletting Information Form to [email protected].
Failure to do so may result in delays with access information for new tenants and / or insurance being invalidated if a property is left vacant for any period of time but not declared. Please click here to download a form SUBLETTING INFORMATION FORM
The communal areas are cleaned once a day.
Your Handbook
Please contact us to request your Kingscourt handbook
Fire Instructions
Click to download the What to do in the event of a fire
If you are not happy with our services, you can read more about how we handle complaints in our Complaints Procedure for Block Management – December 2019
Refuse & Recycling
Your waste and recycling is collected by Birmingham City Council.
Click here for your collection day and other information about the service.
The code for the bin store is C2468Y.
Bulky Waste
If you would like to dispose of bulky items such as furniture and appliances, please arrange a collection with Birmingham City Council.
Click here to book a collection.
Please do not leave bulky items in the bin store as they will not be collected.
Replacement Fobs
We will be changing access from a code to a fob system. Further details to be provided shortly
Share Certificate
Please click here to request a share certificate.
Grounds Maintenance
There are no communal grounds at this development.
Fees and Charges
Please click here to request a copy of the COMPASS BLOCK MANAGEMENT FEES AND CHARGES 2023
Fire Alarm Testing
Fire alarms and smoke devices are tested to British Standards.
Click here to report a fault within working hours
To report a fault out of hours, please contact our emergency service on 0345 606 7660
Water Testing
Dealing With Conflict & Confrontation From Other Members Of The Public
A reminder that members of staff for Compass Block Management are not police officers or police staff. They do not have any police powers. They are members of public and have the same rights and obligations of any other member of the public.
If any incidents do occur, please contact the police immediately via 999 (for all emergencies) or 101.
Meter Cupboards for BT / Sky Engineer Access
Please note that the cupboards will be open on WEDNESDAYS ONLY each week for BT / Sky engineer access. The cupboards will be opened up in the morning and shut too at the end of the working day.
Meter Cupboards for Electrical Meter Readings
Electric meter readings can be obtained direct via the meter cupboard that houses the electrical meters. The easiest way to find is to start at the car park roller shutter grill facing into the car park. You then proceed forward and turn right as soon as you can. Along the wall that is now on your right hand side you will find a white door with a digi lock on it. The code is C0312Y and that will give you access to the meter room where all of the meters are marked up. We recommend you take a note of the serial number of your meter (from a bill or your utility provider) in order to successfully identify your meter. Please note that there are some meters, however, that are located elsewhere – if you do experience any problems please do not hesitate to report to us thank you.
Heading: Important Information – Door Code Change – Monday 10th February 2025
Date: 04/02/2025
Details: Please be advised that the entrance code for the development will be changing during the morning of Monday 10th February 2025. We have sent a generic email to all leaseholders with the code.
For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this code is relayed to your tenants and / or letting agent. Please note we will not divulge the code over the telephone and only confirm to leaseholders via email when requested.
A reminder that the code must not be relayed to non-residents of the development.
We propose changing the code on a quarterly basis. For security, the actual code will not be displayed on this website.
Heading: Incorrect Parking – Citroen
Date: 22/11/2024
Details: It has been brought to our attention that the following vehicle is parked up incorrectly in another resident’s allocated parking space. The details are:-
Black Citroen
Reg: PN16 MVR
We ask that the owner of the vehicle or residents of the apartment associated with the vehicle remove immediately. You are not permitted to park there. Thank you.
Heading: Incorrect Parking – Vauxhall
Date: 21/11/2024
Details: It has been brought to our attention that the following vehicle is parked up incorrectly in another resident’s allocated parking space. The details are:-
Reg: FM17 YKJ
We ask that the owner of the vehicle or residents of the apartment associated with the vehicle remove immediately. You are not permitted to park there. Thank you.
Heading: Incorrect Parking – Peugeot 207
Date: 30/10/2024
Details: It has been brought to our attention that the following vehicle is parked up incorrectly in another resident’s allocated parking space. The details are:-
Peugeot 207
Reg: FS08 UFB
We ask that the owner of the vehicle or residents of the apartment associated with the vehicle remove immediately. You are not permitted to park there. Thank you.
Heading: Rubbish Disposal
Date: 29/10/2024
Details: A reminder again to those residents who continue to dump their rubbish outside of the bin stores – DO NOT dump there – please dispose of your rubbish within the bins in the bin store – the code for the bin store is C2468Y. Should we become aware of the apartments concerned causing the issues then the leaseholder of that apartment will incur breach of lease charges and clean up charges.
For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that your tenants are provided with the code for the bin store and advised about disposing of rubbish correctly.
Heading: Roller Shutter
Date: 04/10/2024
Details: Despite Pawel resetting the roller shutter this week, we note that the roller shutter is not working properly again. We have instructed the contractors to attend asking that an engineer attends urgently. We are advised that the contractors are sending out an engineer today.
Heading: Roller Shutter
Date: 05/09/2024
Details: We have been advised that the contractors have an engineer available and will be attending this afternoon to carry out the repairs.
Heading: Roller Shutter
Date: 04/09/2024
Details: Having chased up the contractors, we are advised that they are looking to carry out the repairs to the roller shutter on Monday 9th September 2024.
Heading: Roller Shutter
Date: 03/09/2024
Details: We are chasing up the supplier. We have left a further message this morning asking for an urgent update.
Heading: Roller Shutter
Date: 19/08/2024
Details: We are chasing the contractors for an eta on arrival of the replacement part and installation. As soon as we have further information, we will update this website.
Heading: Water Leaking Into Car Park
Date: 02/08/2024
Details: The leaseholder of the apartment identified has checked and despite believing to be coming from their apartment, we are advised that there does not appear to be a leak. We have contacted the main contractors used for the block to urgently assist in the matter as it is not clear from where the water is coming from. In the meantime, we ask all residents to urgently check their apartments (in particular the bathroom areas) to make sure that there is no leak from the apartment.
We recommend that residents who have car park spaces directly under the section where the water is dripping through, refrain from parking their vehicles in their spaces for the moment just in case the situation escalates with the ceiling above coming down as a result of water damage.
Heading: Water Leaking Into Car Park
Date: 02/08/2024
Details: We are aware that water is leaking into the car park and this is coming from one of the apartments which has been identified. This has been relayed to the leaseholder of the apartment concerned asking that they attend to urgently. Footage kindly provided has been forwarded immediately to the leaseholder.
Heading: Dumped Sofa
Date: 02/08/2024
Details: Would the apartment responsible for dumping the white / cream sofa within the car park area / entrance, please remove immediately. Under no circumstances should any items be dumped within the development. If the sofa is being disposed of and the Council booked to attend, please note the Council should be collecting from the apartment and not from any of the communal areas.
Heading: Roller Shutter & Homeless People
Date: 04/07/2024
Details: We are doing everything we can to get the contractors to expedite the repairs required for the roller shutters. In the meantime, we have also been in touch with the Police to advise them about the situation and the fact that homeless people have been getting in especially during the evening. The Police have logged and advised that they will ensure regular checks are carried out by them. Whilst we understand one of the letting agents has commented about the use of the Council to enforce security measures, we are advised that it is the Police who ultimately override and have the powers to address the situation.
Heading: Homeless People
Date: 03/07/2024
Details: If you do experience homeless people at the development please report immediately to the Police via “101”. We appreciate the broken roller shutter is exacerbating the situation and we are doing out utmost to get the contractors to repair.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Block B
Date: 03/07/2024
Details: We have been chasing the contractors for an update on the repair works which have been authorised. We have been advised that unfortunately there is an issue with the supply of the parts. They advise the expected time for delivery of the parts is now August. We have advised the contractors that this is not acceptable and that they need to do what they can as an emergency certainly in light of homeless people gaining access. The Account Manager will revert so we will keep you updated.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Block B
Date: 13/06/2024
Details: Contractors have been in attendance following the issues with the roller shutter. They have confirmed the works required and been advised to go ahead with the repair works.
Heading: Important Security – Entrance Doors
Date: 04/06/2024
Details: A reminder to all residents to ensure that all entrance doors are closed firmly behind you when entering and exiting the building. Do not leave the doors propped open under any circumstances. If you note that an entrance door is not closing shut properly, please report immediately to Compass Block Management via the online reporting system. For landlords with tenants in situ, please ensure that this information is relayed to your tenants – thank you for your co-operation.
Heading: Important Update – Security
Date: 10/05/2024
Details: The Community Police have been in touch to confirm that the incident has been logged with them. The door has been checked to make sure it is opening and closing correctly. Pawel has cleaned up the mess that has been left.
Heading: Lift – Block B
Date: 10/05/2024
Details: Jackson Lifts have advised the parts are due in next Wednesday – should they arrive in a timely manner Jackson Lifts will return the same day to fit.
Heading: Important Update – Security
Date: 10/05/2024
Details: Please be advised that the entrance code will change on Tuesday 21st May 2024. We will circulate the code number to all leaseholders.
For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this code is relayed to your tenants and / or letting agent. Please note we will not divulge the code over the telephone and only confirm to leaseholders via email when requested.
A reminder that the code must not be relayed to non-residents of the development. Thank you.
Heading: Clean Up – Stairway Block D
Date: 10/05/2024
Details: Pawel has been asked to clean up the mess that has been left in the stairway by the 2 people that were seen smoking there.
Heading: Important Update – Security
Date: 10/05/2024
Details: We have received a report that 2 people were hanging around acting suspiciously in the stairwell (Block D). They were smoking what was believed to be drugs. The resident who has immediately reported has also reported to the Police. We are not sure how these people managed to get into the building. We will be changing the door codes – further details will follow.
A reminder to all residents to please ensure that doors are shut behind you when entering and exiting the building. If you do see any suspicious activity, please report immediately to the Police before then reporting to [email protected] – thank you.
For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure your tenants are sent a reminder in relation to the above. Please also ensure that you subscribe to the website to receive the latest updates and alerts about the development and that your tenants subscribe too. Thank you.
Heading: Lift – Block B
Date: 07/05/2024
Details: Jackson Lifts have been instructed to attend to the lift in Block B which is stuck.
Heading: Apartment Maintenance
Date: 18/04/2024
Details: To minimise costly repairs and claims on the buildings insurance (which will have a significant impact on premiums each year for all leaseholders), please take time to ensure that your apartments are regularly checked and maintained:-
- Catch small problems before they escalate into bigger ones.
- Protect your home from major failures, like a burst pipe.
- Save time dealing with major plumbing or heating situations arising at home by preventing them from happening in the first place.
- Regularly check boilers – the boilers will not last forever and will be subject to corrosion and replacement.
- Check kitchen appliances such as washing machines and / or dishwashers regularly to ensure that there are no leaks.
- All electrical appliances and equipment should be regularly checked to avoid risk of electrical fault or fire.
- Check the plumbing in bathrooms and ensuites, paying particular attention to old sealant and / or tiles which may have become dislodged allowing water to escape through.
- Where there is a leak going from one apartment into another then the leaseholder of the apartment from where the leak originates is responsible for ensuring that the leak is immediately repaired and any resultant damage to a neighbouring apartment is fully covered.
- Increased claims with the buildings insurance will have a significant impact on renewal each year, together with the premiums payable which in turn will impact on all leaseholders.
Heading: Tort Notice
Date: 07/02/2024
Details: Please find attached copy Tort Notice in relation to the orange BMW registration number: DX14 PPY parking illegally at Kingscourt Arena / Arena View.
STAGE 1 – Warning Notice – BMW – 07.02.2024
Heading: Lift – Block C
Date: 19/01/2024
Details: Jackson Lifts have been instructed as the lift is not working in Block C.
Heading: Lift – Block D
Date: 19/01/2024
Details: Jackson Lifts have been instructed as the lift is not working in Block D.
Heading: URGENT – Vehicle Registration – ParkingEye
Date: 09/01/2024
Details: ParkingEye have extended the deadline to 1ST FEBRUARY 2024 for leaseholders to ensure that ALL vehicles for their car park spaces are registered with ParkingEye.
For leaseholders with tenants in situ, you must ensure that your tenant is made fully aware that parking control is in place and that their vehicle details are also registered by 1ST FEBRUARY 2024.
Please email ParkingEye direct via [email protected] to ensure all the correct vehicle details are registered with them. A reminder that if you need to make any changes in the future to vehicle information held you will need to contact ParkingEye. Thank you.
Heading: Parking Control – ParkingEye – Update on Contact Information
Date: 04/01/2024
Details: For any queries about penalty notices, updates to vehicle information or adding new registration information, please contact ParkingEye direct. They have updated us with the email address to use:-
Heading: Implementation of Parking Control – ParkingEye
Date: 02/01/2024
Details: ParkingEye now fully manage the parking services at Kingscourt Arena / Arena View. For any queries about penalty notices, updates to vehicle information or adding new registration information, please contact the Account Manager at ParkingEye. Their contact details are as follows:-
Afreen Hussain
Desk Based Account Manager
Tel: 07395248296 – Email: [email protected]
Heading: Replacement Decking – Blocks C and D
Date: 08/11/2023
Details: The first stage of the Section 20 process will commence shortly – leaseholders will receive letters and information in relation to the replacement of the decking for Blocks C and D.
Heading: Implementation of Parking Control
Date: 08/11/2023
Details: Thank you to those residents who have submitted their registration information. This has all been relayed to ParkingEye. For those that missed the deadline but have submitted now, we will forward your information onto ParkingEye. We will forward details in due course about changing details in the future or for those that have not submitted their details at all.
Heading: Tort Notice
Date: 31/10/2023
Details: Please find attached copy Tort Notice in relation to the orange BMW registration number: DX14 PPY parking illegally at Kingscourt Arena / Arena View.
STAGE 1 – Warning Notice – BMW – 31.10.2023 – PDF
Heading: Implementation of Parking Control
Date: 27/10/2023
Details: Please be advised that parking control will come into effect after 10th November 2023. This will mean that all permitted vehicles MUST be registered with ParkingEye (the company providing parking control) to avoid penalty fines being incurred.
In preparation for the start date and enforcement, circulars will be sent to leaseholders asking them to complete vehicle details and registration numbers for vehicles they need listing for their parking space.
The ANPR system will be fully operational once the system goes live so it is paramount that information is provided to Judy Wyatt in the first instance as per the details in the circular coming out. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, you must ensure that your tenant(s) vehicles are registered. Thank you.
Heading: Illegal Parking
Date: 27/10/2023
Details: Would the owner of the BMW registration number: DX14 PPY contact Judy Wyatt urgently via [email protected] or anyone who knows who the vehicle belongs to please make contact thank you.
Heading: Rubbish Disposal
Date: 28/09/2023
Details: Please dispose of your rubbish correctly within the bins provided in the bin store – the code for the bin store is C2468Y. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure you relay the code to your tenants.
Heading: Illegal Parking
Date: 20/09/2023
Details: Would the owner of the Red Suzuki Registration Number: VE56 SKV or the person responsible for renting out the space ensure that the vehicle is removed immediately – this space belongs to another apartment – you are not permitted to park or use this space.
Heading: Contact Required
Date: 19/09/2023
Details: Could we ask Sanjuida Akhter to contact Compass Block Management please on 0121 758 7222 or email [email protected] as soon as possible – thank you.
Heading: Pets not Permitted
Date: 19/09/2023
Details: Please be advised that the lease does not permit pets within the development.
Heading: Rubbish Disposal
Date: 19/09/2023
Details: A reminder again to those residents who continue to dump their rubbish outside of the bin stores – DO NOT dump there – please dispose of your rubbish within the bins in the bin store – the code for the bin store is C2468Y. Should we become aware of the apartments concerned causing the issues then the leaseholder of that apartment will incur breach of lease charges and clean up charges.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Blocks A & B
Date: 25/08/2023
Details: We have been chasing the contractors about the repairs to the roller shutter for Blocks A and B. We have asked them to address urgently given the time that has elapsed and given issues with homeless people gaining access.
Heading: Rubbish & Excrement
Date: 25/08/2023
Details: A reminder to all residents to ensure that all rubbish is disposed of correctly in the bins provided – DO NOT leave any rubbish outside of apartments or dumped outside of the bin stores. The code for the bin store is C2468Y.
We also do not expect excrement to be left around the development – this not only causes a health & safety risk for ALL but shows complete lack of respect for the development and neighbours by leaving such a disgusting mess! This is not be down to the caretaker to clean up!! Should we become aware of anyone that is causing any of these problems, they will incur breach of lease charges and clean up costs.
Heading: Homeless People
Date: 25/08/2023
Details: If residents do witness any homeless people being present on site, please report immediately to the Police via “101”.
Heading: Pets
Date: 21/08/2023
Details: Please be advised that pets are not permitted. For landlords with tenants in situ, please ensure that your tenants are made fully aware about no pets. Thank you.
Heading: Storage of Items in Communal Areas
Date: 21/08/2023
Details: A reminder to all residents that it is a breach of lease and breach of fire regulations to store any items within any of the communal areas. Failure to comply will result in charges being incurred. Thank you for your urgent co-operation.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Blocks A & B
Date: 19/07/2023
Details: Contractors have provided a quotation for repairs to the roller shutter. They have been authorised to go ahead with the required repair works.
Heading: Window Cleaning
Date: 04/07/2023
Details: Pleased be advised that the window cleaning will be carried out on Friday 7th July 2023 by M&BG Ltd.
Heading: Important – Entrance Code Change
Date: 04/07/2023
Details: Please be advised that the entrance code will change on Tuesday 25th July 2023. Circulars are being sent out to all leaseholders and apartments.
For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this code is relayed to your tenants and / or letting agent. Please note we will not divulge the code over the telephone and only confirm to leaseholders via email when requested.
A reminder that the code must not be relayed to non-residents of the development.
Heading: Illegal Parking
Date: 09/06/2023
Details: A reminder to all residents that you are only authorised to park one vehicle within your allocated parking space for the apartment. It is a breach of lease to park up in another apartment’s allocated parking space. You are not permitted to rent out parking spaces and certainly not spaces belonging to another apartment!
In the event that the terms of the lease are ignored, the Management Company will look to commence TORT proceedings.
Would the owner of the Audi Registration Number: RV59 YWF or the person responsible for renting out the space ensure that the vehicle is removed immediately – this space belongs to another apartment – you are not permitted to park or use this space.
Heading: Illegal Parking
Date: 11/04/2023
Details: Would the owner of the Silver Vauxhall Registration Number: MK12 AJY please immediately contact the Property Manager – Judy Wyatt via [email protected] – thank you.
Heading: Lift – Blocks A and B
Date: 05/04/2023
Details: The caretaker has been instructed to clean up the excrement that has been left in the lift. We understand that this has unfortunately been trodden in so in the carpets and going up the stairs.
Heading: Door in Block C
Date: 05/03/2023
Details: Further to reports by the Out Of Hours Team that the main communal door was faulty, we instructed the contractors, CS Electrical Plumbing & Building Services Ltd to attend.
Heading: Fire Alarm – Arena View
Date: 05/03/2023
Details: Following reports received by the Out Of Hours Team, the contractors Fire Compliance Services were contacted and an engineer attended.
Heading: Pets are not permitted
Date: 23/02/2023
Details: A reminder to all residents that pets are not permitted at the development. For landlords with tenants in situ, please ensure that your tenants and future tenants are made fully aware to avoid incurring Breach of Lease Charges.
Heading: Damaged Vehicle
Date: 06/02/2023
Details: Would the owner of the blue Peugeot registration number: YA13 XTH please contact Compass Block Management on 0121 758 7222 or email: [email protected] – thank you.
Heading: Pets are not permitted
Date: 18/01/2023
Details: Please be advised that pets are not permitted at the development. For landlords with tenants in situ, please ensure that your tenants and future tenants are made fully aware to avoid incurring Breach of Lease Charges.
Heading: Items & Rubbish left in communal areas
Date: 18/01/2023
Details: A reminder to all residents that under no circumstances should any items be left in any of the communal areas / outside of the apartments at any time. This is a breach of lease and breach of Fire Regulations. All rubbish and unwanted items must be disposed of correctly in the bins provided or if they cannot go in the bins then residents must take down to the local tip (or organise for the Council to collect direct from within the apartment).
Heading: Important Information for Leaseholders – Service Charge Payments
Date: 05/01/2023
Details: Please note that with the most recent service charges, there was an error with the bank details. These details are for another development so if you have already made a payment then this is not an issue as we have the money. However, for any future payments please send to:
York Laurent Ltd
Sort Code: 40-11-18
Account Number: 64167058
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Heading: Intercom Systems
Date: 08/12/2022
Details: Contractors have been in attendance to look at the intercom systems. They have advised that new systems are required. We are looking to install new systems which will negate the need for handsets and works on fobs and mobile phones. We have rolled out new systems for a couple of our developments in the East Midlands which has proved successful. The plan is to work on a block by block basis. We will keep you updated on progress.
Heading: Block B – Kingscourt Arena
Date: 07/12/2022
Details: You will note that scaffolding is being erected to carry out essential repair works. Notices will be displayed to advise “UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE RESIDENTS TO ACCESS THE TERRACE OR SCAFFOLD DUE TO THE RISK OF INJURY OR DEATH FROM FALLING”
Heading: Lift Out Of Order – Block B
Date: 28/11/2022
Details: We have been chasing up Jackson Lifts regarding the lift. We have been advised that a part is required and the quotation provided has been authorised. We will continue to chase for updates on timescales for attendance.
Heading: Lift Out Of Order – Block B
Date: 24/11/2022
Details: To confirm that we are chasing Jackson Lifts to find out exactly what is going on with repairs to the lift in Block B. This is in follow up to conflicting reports as to what has been done and what needs to be done. We will continue to chase up.
Heading: Illegal Use of Drugs and Smoking
Date: 23/11/2022
Details: Cannabis, marijuana or weed is classed as a Class B drug and it is illegal to use these drugs even within the confides of your apartment. Residents are asked to report immediately to the police any suspected drugs use. It is also a breach of lease. Charges and further action will be taken by Compass Block Management on behalf of the Management Company as required.
Heading: Lift Out Of Order – Block B
Date: 23/11/2022
Details: Despite being advised by Jackson Lifts that the lift had been left in working order, obviously this is not the case. We are chasing up Jackson Lifts to find out what is going on and when the lift is going to be repaired. We will post an update as soon as we hear back.
Heading: Lift Out Of Order – Block B
Date: 17/11/2022
Details: The lift engineers, Jackson Lifts, have been chased up about the lift not working in Block B. They have assured us that they have appointed an engineer to attend.
Heading: Broken Downpipe – Car Park Blocks A and B
Date: 15/11/2022
Details: Contractors have been instructed to attend to the broken downpipe in the car park – Blocks A and B.
Heading: Lift Out Of Order – Block B
Date: 15/11/2022
Details: The lift engineers, Jackson Lifts, have been instructed as the lift is not working for Block B.
Heading: Window Cleaning
Date: 04/10/2022
Details: Pleased be advised that the window cleaning will be carried out on Friday 7th October 2022 by M&BG Ltd.
Heading: Illegal Parking
Date: 08/08/2022
Details: A reminder to all residents that you are only authorised to park your vehicles in the allocated parking space for the apartment. It is a breach of lease to park up in another apartment’s allocated parking space. Breach of lease charges will be incurred by those who park up incorrectly. For residents with visitors, if your space is unavailable at the time of their visit you must ensure that your visitors park off site and do not park up in another resident’s space.
Would the apartment responsible for the WHITE FORD REGISTRATION NUMBER: OV10 BEJ please remove the vehicle immediately from the parking space they are parked up in – we have noted from an inspection that you ARE NOT permitted to park there.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Blocks A & B
Date: 01/08/2022
Details: We understand that despite further repairs been undertaken, within a few days the roller shutter has stopped working again and is open. We have instructed the contractors to urgently attend and advise us on the issue.
Heading: Use of Bin Store
Date: 01/08/2022
Details: Please ensure that you take all of your rubbish to the bin store in a sealed bag. Do not leave rubbish outside apartment doors and in the communal areas.
The code for the bin store is C2468Y. When using the bin store, please take note of the following points to help keep the bin store clean and tidy: –
- All rubbish must be properly sealed in plastic bags, preferably bin liners.
- All rubbish must be placed in one of the paladins provided and not left on the floor. The bin men will not remove any rubbish that is not in a paladin.
- Do not overfill the closest paladin when there are others that have plenty of room in them.
- Items such as cardboard boxes should be crushed / collapsed before being put in a paladin.
- Large and bulky items should not be dumped in the bin store. You can dispose of your bulky items by contacting Birmingham City Council direct to book a collection. Please refer to their website at
Please note that breach of lease charges and clean up charges will be incurred by those that do not dispose of their rubbish correctly. For landlords with tenants in situ, please ensure that you advise your tenants about disposing of their waste correctly and provide the bin store code to them.
Thank you for your urgent cooperation.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Blocks A & B
Date: 08/07/2022
Details: Following damage caused to the cabling for the roller shutter, the contractors are waiting for the new part to come in. They will attend to the repair as soon as received.
Heading: Window Cleaning
Date: 05/07/2022
Details: Pleased be advised that the window cleaning will be carried out on Friday 8th July 2022 by M&BG Ltd.
Heading: Theft – Apartment in Arena View
Date: 20/06/2022
Details: We have received notification that parcels were taken from the door step of one of the apartments in Arena View. The incident happened between the hours of 4.00pm and 8.00pm on Saturday 18th June 2022. If anyone saw anything suspicious around these times could we ask that you email Judy at Compass Block Management ([email protected]). Please be assured that the source of any report in about this matter will not be divulged.
Heading: Contacting the Police via ‘101’
Date: 15/06/2022
Details: A reminder to all residents to contact the police immediately via ‘101’ if you witness a homeless person within the development. The police have more powers to remove the homeless person. Please then relay to Compass for our records. Thank you.
Heading: Replacement of Wood Decking to Block B
Date: 18/05/2022
Details: Building work to replace the wood decking in your Block B will commence on Monday 23rd May 2022 and should be completed within approximately 9 weeks.
Whilst access to your apartments will be maintained throughout this period, you will appreciate that there will inevitably be a certain amount of disturbance while work is ongoing. We would apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused but trust that the end result will make it all worthwhile.
If you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to contact Jeremy Chick on 0121 758 7222 or at [email protected]
Thank you for your co-operation and understanding whilst this work is undertaken.
Heading: Window Cleaning
Date: 28/03/2022
Details: The cleaning contractors will be carrying out the window cleaning at Kings Court & Arena View on Friday 8th April.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Blocks A & B
Date: 04/03/2022
Details: We are chasing the roller shutter specialists that have been instructed to go ahead with the necessary repairs. As soon as we have any positive news, we will update this website.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Blocks A & B
Date: 03/02/2022
Details: Following further repairs to the roller shutter in January 2022, we were advised that further works would be required. We can confirm that immediate authorisation was provided to the contractors upon receipt of their quotation. We note that unfortunately the contractors have not attended to the works as yet. We are chasing them for an update as note this has been going on for a few weeks.
Heading: Lift Button – Block B – Update
Date: 06/11/2021
Details: Jackson Lifts have replaced the call button on the 4/F of Block B.
Heading: Lift Button – Block B
Date: 29/10/2021
Details: Jackson Lifts have advised that there is a lead time of 2 weeks to get the call button replaced on the 4/F of Block B.
Heading: AM Power – Supplier At Risk
Date: 19/10/2021
Details: In light of recent news about energy providers, please find an announcement received from Ginger Energy in relation to AM Power – AM Power – Supplier At Risk
Heading: Roller Shutter – Block B
Date: 19/10/2021
Details: Following repairs to the roller shutter, we understand that the roller shutter is stuck down and the chain has snapped. Contractors, CS Electrical Plumbing & Building Services Ltd, will be on site shortly to open up the roller shutter to enable access whilst waiting for the gate contractors to attend. The gate contractors, Allums, will have their engineer on site within the next hour.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Block B
Date: 08/10/2021
Details: Contractors have confirmed that repair works will be caried out next Wednesday 13th October 2021.
Heading: Cracked Pane of Glass – Block A
Date: 30/09/2021
Details: Contractors have been instructed to attend to the cracked pane of glass to the door in Block A.
Heading: Change in Code
Date: 30/09/2021
Details: As you will note the code to the entrance has been changed. Circulars were sent out last week to al the leaseholders with emails sent to those that have registered direct with ourselves. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure you relay all relevant information to your tenants. Should any leaseholders wish for code change notifications to be emailed direct to them, please do ensure that you have provided your details to [email protected]. Thank you.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Block B
Date: 06/09/2021
Details: We are liaising with the contractors with regards to the repairs required for the roller shutter to Block B. As soon as we have further information and timescales for attendance, we will provide an update.
Heading: Block B Arena View – Rainwater Ingress to Lift Shaft
Date: 07/06/2021
Details: The roofing contractor has advised that further works have been completed. We have instructed the lift engineers to attend to make sure that there are no issues and that they are able to connect the lift back up to make fully operational.
Heading: Block B Arena View – Rainwater Ingress to Lift Shaft
Date: 24/05/2021
Details: There still appears to be a leak going into the lift even though roofing repairs have been carried out. We have instructed the roofing contractor to go back and out liaise with the lift engineers to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, the lift will remain shut off until the problem has been solved, the lift dried out and when it will be safe to switch the lift back on. We will post updates as we hear further.
Heading: Bike Racks
Date: 19/05/2021
Details: We had instructed for the bike rack to be addressed by the roller shutter but understand that unfortunately this has not been done. As such, we have instructed the main contractors we use to attend and address.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Block B
Date: 19/05/2021
Details: Following communication with contractors about the issue with the roller shutter and receiving different advice as to the source of the problem, we are awaiting a quote for the works. We will provide an update as soon as we hear further.
Heading: Block B Arena View – Rainwater Ingress to Lift Shaft
Date: 14/05/2021
Details: Following recent rains we had water ingress into the lift shaft which necessitated contractors switching the lift off whilst contractors located the source of the ingress. The leak has been traced to a failed flashing where the shaft roof joins the shaft brickwork. Contractors will be out on Wednesday to replace the damaged flashing and make good and we will get the lift switched back on as soon as possible after that.
Heading: Block B Arena View – Rainwater Ingress to Lift Shaft
Date: 05/05/2021
Details: The lift engineers, Jackson Lifts, have been out today following reports by the caretaker today that there was water ingress in the lift shaft. Jackson Lifts have switched the lift off and are sending us details on getting the lift dried out and back in service. Whilst in attendance Jackson Lifts noted a visible gap between the roof and the shaft wall that is on the same side as the lift door. This could mean there is a problem with the roof flashing. We have instructed the roof contractor to attend asap. We apologise for the inconvenience caused and are working with contractors to resolve as quickly as possible.
Heading: Roller Shutter – By Block B
Date: 08/04/2021
Details: Contractors have been out and managed to raise the roller shutter. The specialist contractors have been instructed as whilst the motor is running, it is not engaging with the shutter. We have asked them to attend urgently.
Heading: Window Cleaning
Date: 29/03/2021
Details: The window cleaning for Kings Court and Arena View is scheduled to take place on Friday 9th April 2021.
Heading: Urgent – Missing Package
Date: 15/03/2021
Details: An important package has unfortunately gone astray for the occupant of an apartment in Arena View. It is believed that the package has been delivered to Kingscourt / Arena View but we have no further information at this stage. If anyone has kindly taken in a package or placed on site, we would be extremely grateful if you could drop Judy of Compass ([email protected]) a quick email to confirm. Thank you.
Heading: Car Park – Urgent
Date: 11/03/2021
Details: We have noted that car registration number BD70 ZVB has been using other owner’s spaces who may be a non-resident. Please note that under no circumstances should the car park code be given out to non-residents to use the car park. Further charges will be incurred by apartment owners if we find out that they or their tenants are giving out the code for non-residents to use.
Heading: Car Park Spaces
Date: 11/03/2021
Details: A further reminder to all residents that you are only permitted to park within your allocated parking space either within Kingscourt Plaza or Arena View. If your apartment does not have a parking space then you must make park off site. Even if spaces appear to be vacant, please note that the spaces are allocated to apartments under each lease and you must not therefore use someone else’s space. Breach of lease charges will be incurred by apartment owners if we find out that their vehicles (or that of their tenant) are parked up incorrectly.
Heading: Car Park Spaces
Date: 08/03/2021
Details: A reminder to all residents that you are only permitted to park within your allocated parking space. You must not park in someone else’s space. For those apartments without parking, you must make alternative arrangements off site if you do have a vehicle. Breach of lease charges will be incurred if vehicles are parked up incorrectly.
Heading: Building Entrance and Roller Shutter Code Change – Monday 1st March 2021
Date: 23/02/2021
Details: Please be aware that on Monday 1st March 2021 the code to operate the building entrances and roller shutters will change. Circulars have been posted out to all the apartments today with the code.
If you are letting out your apartment please make sure that your tenants / letting agents are aware of the change. We will not give out the code over the phone. We will only email codes to tenants if authorised to do so by the property owners.
We would also remind you of the following: –
Heading: Bin Store Mess
Date: 19/02/2021
Details: Due to the mess that has been left in the bin store with some residents just dumping items in there in the hope the bin men will take away (which they will not), we have had to instruct cleaning contractors to attend. Please note that breach of lease charges and clean up charges will be incurred by those that ignore the simple waste disposal instructions in place.
Heading: Use of Bin Store
Date: 19/02/2021
Details: Please ensure that you take all of your rubbish to the bin store in a sealed bag. Do not leave rubbish outside apartment doors and in the communal areas.
The code for the bin store is C2468Y. When using the bin store, please take note of the following points to help keep the bin store clean and tidy: –
- All rubbish must be properly sealed in plastic bags, preferably bin liners.
- All rubbish must be placed in one of the paladins provided and not left on the floor. The bin men will not remove any rubbish that is not in a paladin.
- Do not overfill the closest paladin when there are others that have plenty of room in them.
- Items such as cardboard boxes should be crushed / collapsed before being put in a paladin.
- Large and bulky items should not be dumped in the bin store. You can dispose of your bulky items by contacting Birmingham City Council direct to book a collection. Please refer to their website at
Please note that breach of lease charges and clean up charges will be incurred by those that do not dispose of their rubbish correctly. For landlords with tenants in situ, please ensure that you advise your tenants about disposing of their waste correctly and provide the bin store code to them.
Thank you for your urgent cooperation.
Heading: Front Door – Block B – Update
Date: 14/01/2021
Details: Contractors have advised that they have identified the bottom door hinge is broken. They advise the door needs to come off to enable them to repair. They have put signs up on the inside and outside so residents do not use use until they can go back to replace it.
Heading: Fire Extinguisher Checks
Date: 08/12/2020
Details: To confirm that the contractors, IPL, will be on site this month to carry out the annual fire extinguisher check.
Heading: Front Door – Block B
Date: 01/12/2020
Details: Contractors have been instructed following a report that the front door appears to be faulty and not always shutting properly. A reminder to all residents that when the door is fully operational that you make sure the door closes firmly too when entering and exiting the building – thank you.
Heading: Water Distribution on 15th December 2020 and 16th December 2020
Date: 18/11/2020
Details: The water tanks will be cleaned and the chlorination checked on the following dates:-
Kings Court – Tuesday 15th December 2020
Arena View – Wednesday 16th December 2020
This will cause a disruption to the water supply between 10.00am – 3.00pm whilst this service is carried out.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Heading: Lift – Block A
Date: 16/11/2020
Details: We are pleased to advise that the lift is now finally fully operational. Thank you for your continued patience. The lift company have apologised for the significant delay experienced.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 12/11/2020
Details: We are advised that there are still issues with gaining the software information for the new board to repair the lift. The lift company are confident that they may be able to return next week with the correct updates / downloads from Schindler. The matter has been escalated by the lift company with the managers at Schindler. We will continue to keep chasing for updates.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 06/11/2020
Details: We have been chasing the lift company to find out the latest position. We are advised that there are still further issues down to them gaining the relevant software information from Schindler. We are regularly chasing and will keep you updated.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 30/10/2020
Details: We have been onto the senior supervisor of the lift company about the severity of the problem the lift issue is causing for all residents. The supervisor has reverted to advise that he has been liaising with the senior management and leadership team. He advises that they will be visiting the site on Tuesday 3rd November. He further advises that the technical department should have all the relevant programmes and software preloaded in the laptop in readiness for next week. The tech team are confident that the software download supplied by Schindler will now cure the additional issues.
Heading: Gates for Blocks C & D
Date: 30/10/2020
Details: Contractors have been instructed following a report that the gates are not working for Blocks C & D.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 29/10/2020
Details: We have chased up the contractors for an update following the installation of the new board. We have been advised that unfortunately there are still multiple issues mainly associated with the software and correct data. We will continue to keep chasing the lift contractors and have reiterated the priority this is to get sorted.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 26/10/2020
Details: The lift contractors have just advised that they hope to have their technical team on site tomorrow morning to install and set up the additional board.
Heading: Use of Drugs
Date: 14/10/2020
Details: It is a criminal offence to use, smoke or sell drugs even from within an apartment. If residents experience any issues with drugs or suspect the use of drugs, please report immediately to the police.
Once the incident has been reported, please advise Compass Block Management. We will then make contact with the property owner and take action as necessary on behalf of the management company.
Heading: No Smoking Policy
Date: 14/10/2020
Details: A reminder that smoking is strictly prohibited within the communal areas whether inside or out. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this is relayed to your tenants to avoid incurring breach of lease charges.
Heading: Fire Safety for the Home
Date: 14/10/2020
Details: Please find a copy of the latest safety advice for the home – Fire safety poster ARMA-HFRS (1).October 2020
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 07/10/2020
Details: Having chased up the lift contractors to find out the latest position with the lift following the delivery and installation of the new PCB board, we have been advised that unfortunately, the lift is still out of order. We have left the lift company in no uncertain terms how frustrated, angry and disappointed we are with the whole situation. We have reiterated the urgency and priority that should be given to this situation:-
“The PCB was replaced and successfully setup, following some rigorous function and schematic testing carried out by the technicians the lift failed again.
The Tec has been able to now diagnose that the main processor CPU is faulty, we suspect that this could have been the route cause of the issue however we had to replace the previous PCB to continue our journey of process of elimination and fault finding.
I have already sent all supporting details over to Schindler and the other 3rd party suppliers in order to try and locate a suitable / pre-programmed replacement main processor PCB.
Please be advised that unfortunately we will be up against the same issues in terms of lead times if the PCB is sourced from Schindler, this coupled with the fact that this board is like the brains of the lift is obviously complex and unique in nature.
We will need to ensure that the replacement processor PCB has been pre-progammed and assigned with the correct software and technical capabilities, which again may add to the delays.
Rest assured I will try my best to pursue the shortest and quickest lead time possible”.
We will keep you updated as we hear further.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 02/10/2020
Details: The lift contractors advise that they are expecting the replacement part either today or Monday at the latest. As soon as the part arrives, they advise that they will dispatch an engineer to attend.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 22/09/2020
Details: As you know we have been chasing, complaining and stressing the urgency of the situation to Jackson Lifts in relation to the lift. To keep you all updated, we have received the latest feedback from the Service Supervisor of Jackson Lifts:-
“We had tried to mitigate the excessive delays by not using Schindler for the replacement PCB and our initial contact and supporting feedback from 3rd part supplier was positive. The replacement PCB was in stock within central Europe somewhere. However, due to that nature, design and complexity of certain PCBs they be must be pre-programmed at Schindler, so unfortunately the PCB has again had to be sourced again direct from Schindler via our 3rd party supplier.
Additionally due to the Covid situation, many of our / industry standard suppliers are currently working under a reduced capacity within their warehouses / distribution centres, to ensure social distancing and safe systems of work, this has not helped our cause when trying to source and obtain any replacement lift material or components.
Not ideal I know, and we are chasing on a daily basis. As soon as we have received any feedback in will contact you again and update you accordingly” – Service Supervisor
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A – update
Date: 15/09/2020
Details: The lift contractors have advised that another replacement board has been ordered with a third party supplier which they are hoping will speed up the process. The lift contractors are chasing up to find out timescales so they can then let us know.
Heading: Roller Shutter
Date: 14/09/2020
Details: We have instructed contractors to attend to the roller shutter that is not working properly.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 11/09/2020
Details: We have received an update from Jackson Lifts. They have confirmed that they have been in attendance today but discovered that there appears to be an issue with the replacement board which has been sent by Schindler. They advise that unfortunately they have been unable to complete the works and return the lift to full use. They confirm they are taking up the issues with Schindler. We have reiterated the frustrations and anger about the time this is taking to repair the lift. We have asked them to keep us updated and certainly treat this as a priority matter.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A – update
Date: 28/08/2020
Details: Jackson Lifts have apologised that unfortunately the parts coming in from Schindler direct have still not been received. Jackson Lifts will continue to chase up until they have an update.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A – update
Date: 20/08/2020
Details: Jackson Lifts have advised that unfortunately the parts coming in from Schindler direct have not been received as yet. Jackson Lifts will continue to chase up until they have an update.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A – further update
Date: 10/08/2020
Details: Jackson Lifts have advised that unfortunately the parts required for the lift are being sourced directly from Schindler and, as such, may incur a least a week’s lead time. They have confirmed that engineers will be dispatched to return for installation and set up as soon as the parts come in.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A – update
Date: 10/08/2020
Details: The lift engineers have advised that further works are required on the lift. They have reverted back to the main supervisor. For the time being, unfortunately, the lift remains isolated.
Heading: Lift Out of Order – Block A
Date: 10/08/2020
Details: The lift engineers, Jackson Lifts, have been contacted for an engineer to attend to the lift in Block A.
Heading: Car Park Spaces
Date: 21/07/2020
Details: A reminder that for those apartments with a parking space, only one allocated parking space is provided. Residents should not be parking up more than one vehicle and if there is no parking provided with an apartment, residents must make alternative arrangements off site. Charges will be incurred if residents fail to adhere to this.
Heading: Noise and Disturbance
Date: 21/07/2020
Details: We are receiving regular complaints about noise and disturbance from the apartments. A reminder that under the terms of the lease, occupants are not to cause noise or disturbance to their neighbours. It is not acceptable behaviour to have music playing late at night until the early hours of the morning with large gatherings of people hanging around outside of the apartments. Breach of lease charges will be incurred by the property owners. Residents should also report any incidents direct to the police in particular with regards to large gatherings and social distancing restrictions in place.
Heading: Noise
Date: 10/07/2020
Details: Under the terms of the lease, occupants are not to cause noise or disturbance to their neighbours. Please have consideration for your neighbours. If you experience persistent issues with noise please report immediately to the police and Birmingham City Council. Please also report to Compass Block Management via our online reporting system (with details of the apartment in question). We will make contact with the property owner and if the problem continues then breach of lease charges will be incurred. Further legal action may be taken by the management company. Please note that we will not divulge the source of the report.
We have been made aware of continual noise from one apartment. Both the property owner and the letting agent have been made aware and are taking action to resolve.
Heading: Car Parking
Date: 10/07/2020
Details: A reminder that there is only one allocated parking space for those apartments with parking. You are not permitted to park up several cars. If you do have more than one vehicle, you must make alternative arrangements to park off site. If you do have more than one car, you may want to contact Birmingham City Council who do have parking permits for in and around the area. Breach of lease charges will be incurred if spaces are not being used correctly. New signs will be displayed shortly with the car park space numbers on.
Heading: Temporary Changes
Date: 03/07/2020
Details: We are currently carrying out a few temporary changes at Kingscourt Arena. A quick summary of the main changes as are as follows:-
- The code access will be changing from code to fob access – further details to follow in due course which will confirm the timings and arrangements for fob e morning and distribution
- The cupboards which BT / Sky engineer need to access will be open one day a week only on a Wednesday. The cupboards will be opened up in the morning and shut too at the close of the working day.
- A reminder that for those apartments that have a parking space, there is only one allocated parking space. For occupants with more than one vehicle, you will need to make alternative arrangements to park off site. Failure to comply will result in a breach of lease and charges incurred by the property owner
- Car park signs – car park signs are being produced and will be displayed in the car park to avoid any confusion as to exact car park numbers
- As logged on 30th June 2020 below, contractors have been booked out to renumber the apartments that were previously numbered by City Nites
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 03/07/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 03.07.2020
Heading: Apartment Signage
Date: 30/06/2020
Details: Contractors have been instructed to change the numbers on the City Nites apartments back to the original apartment numbers.
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 19/06/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 19.06.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 15/06/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 12.06.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 05/06/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 05.06.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 29/05/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 29.05.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Police Update
Date: 28/05/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – West Midlands Police update 28.05.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 15/05/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 15.05.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Police Update
Date: 15/05/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands Police update we have received Covid 19 – police update 15.05.2020
Heading: Dumped Rubbish – Block A
Date: 11/05/2020
Details: Can the person responsible for dumping a bag of rubbish outside Block A door to the car park, please remove within 24 hours and dispose of correctly in the bins provided. Failure to do so will result in us examining the CCTV footage to identify the miscreant and subsequently issuing a clean up charge, breach of lease charge and admin charge. For property owners with tenants in situ, please contact your tenants immediately about this to ensure that they are not responsible. Thank you.
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 07/05/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid 19 – update 07.05.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 05/05/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid update – 01.05.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 27/04/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid update – 24.04.2020
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 20/04/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received Covid update
Heading: Use of Drugs
Date: 09/04/2020
Details: It is a criminal offence to use, smoke or sell drugs even from within an apartment. If residents experience any issues with drugs or suspect the use of drugs, please report immediately to the police.
Once the incident has been reported, please advise Compass Block Management. We will then make contact with the property owner and take action as necessary on behalf of the management company.
Heading: No Smoking Policy
Date: 09/04/2020
Details: A reminder that smoking is strictly prohibited within the communal areas whether inside or out. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this is relayed to your tenants to avoid incurring breach of lease charges.
Heading: No Water
Date: 09/04/2020
Details: Following reports of no water at Blocks C and D, we have instructed the contractors, Mossvale, to attend as soon as quickly as possible.
Heading: Fire Extinguishers & Fire Signs
Date: 01/04/2020
Details: A number of the fire extinguishers have been replaced. New signs above the fire extinguishers have been ordered.
Heading: Rubbish
Date: 01/04/2020
Details: A reminder to all residents not to dump rubbish in the car park. All rubbish and waste should be disposed of correctly in the bins provided. We have received reports that some residents in Blocks A and B are dumping rubbish. Breach of Lease charges will be incurred by those found to be dumping rubbish, together with clean up charges. For owners with tenants in situ, please ensure that this is relayed to your tenants. Thank you.
Heading: West Midlands COVID-19 Update
Date: 01/04/2020
Details: Please see West Midlands update we have received:-
West Midlands COVID-19 Update Latest updates as at: Monday 30 March 2020, 20:00 Purpose of this briefingThis is a regularly updated briefing which aims to give regional stakeholders: · An overview of the spread of COVID-19 in the urban West Midlands (Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton) · A single view of the actions of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and the Mayor of the West Midlands in response to COVID-19 · A guide on where to find detailed regional information to support the existing national Government guidance |
Latest Headlines· There have been 1,372 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the West Midlands. This makes the West Midlands the biggest regional hotspot for COVID-19 after London. · Work has begun on a new Nightingale Hospital at the National Exhibition Centre in Solihull with capacity for 5,000 beds which will open in mid-April [BBC News, 27 March 2020]. Work has also begun on a mortuary at Birmingham Airport with the capacity for 1,500 bodies [BBC News, 27 March 2020]· 86% reduction in public transport journeys in the West Midlands as the public follow Government advice [TfWM, 29 March 2020]· Set up Community Support Hub website, where people can find local groups near them [WMCA, 27 March 2020] |
Key messages to the publicStay at homeYou must stay at home, only leaving for the following very limited purposes: · Shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible · One form of exercise a day – for example, a run, walk or cycle – alone or with members of your immediate household · Any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person · Travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home. Protect the NHSYou must stay at home to protect the NHS: · The NHS only has a limited number of doctors, nurses and specialist equipment · We are working around the clock to increase NHS capacity · The more people who get sick, the harder it is for the NHS to cope · We must slow the spread of the disease so that fewer people are sick at any one time. Save livesYou must stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. The police will have the powers to enforce the following restrictions: · Dispersing gatherings of more than two people in public, excluding people you live with · Issuing fines to anyone who does not comply with these rules · Closing shops that are not essential, as well as playgrounds and places of worship. |
Message from Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands“We’re in the midst of an immensely challenging time for everyone in the West Midlands, and we’re all rightly worried about our family members, friends and neighbours. The West Midlands response has been phenomenal. There are plenty of tough weeks ahead, but I know we are well placed to get through this. Thank you to everyone for showing such resolve and responsibility. Please follow the Government advice, stay at home, protect our NHS, and save lives.” |
Further information· View details of WMCA COVID-19 support and guidance · Latest WMCA Communications updates · Full guidance on staying at home · Find the most up to date medical advice |
Latest COVID-19 Public Health England and NHS update· There have been 1,372 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the West Midlands. This makes the West Midlands to biggest regional hotspot for COVID-19 after London · Work has begun on a new Nightingale Hospital at the National Exhibition Centre in Solihull with capacity for 5,000 beds which will open in mid-April [BBC News, 27 March 2020]. Work has also begun on a mortuary at Birmingham Airport with the capacity for 1,500 bodies. [BBC News, 27 March 2020]Confirmed Cases Local Authority Sat 28/3 Sun 29/3 Mon 30/3 Birmingham 428 513 578 Coventry 54 79 101 Dudley 83 122 136 Sandwell 116 138 144 Solihull 54 74 87 Walsall 108 125 151 Wolverhampton 116 153 175 Totals 959 1,204 1,372 Correct as at 17:00, 30 March 2020
Further information· Latest PHE / NHS data on COVID-19 cases in the West Midlands |
WMCA’s response to COVID-19WMCA has been focused on the following six areas of activity in response to COVID-19, working closely with our seven constituent councils, and focusing on the areas where the Combined Authority can add to what is being done by Government and other public bodies: · Strategic Co-ordination across the Public Sector: Working together across the public sector to ensure that the response to COVID-19 is joined up and effective as possible · Protecting the Regional Economy: Working with businesses and representative organisations to make sure that support is provided to businesses and workers to ensure the West Midlands economy can recover as swiftly as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak · Running the Transport Network: Reducing services because of the guidance limiting travel in the region, but running sufficient services on train, Metro and bus networks to allow key workers to get to their work in a safe manner · Supporting All Our Communities: Ensuring all communities of the West Midlands are looked after during the COVID-19 outbreak, including all faith and ethnic minority groups and other vulnerable groups such as the homeless, those with mental health issues or disabilities and older people · Communicating with the Public: Giving clear guidance to people in the West Midlands about what they are expected to do during the COVID-19 outbreak · Adapting the WMCA’s Own Operations: Ensuring our staff are safe and healthy, while continuing the activities of WMCA. |
Strategic Co-ordination across the Public SectorContext: The response to COVID-19 will require the joined-up working between different public sector organisations to tackle the outbreak and the impact on public services and the regional economy. WMCA is well-positioned to work closely with public sector bodies given its existing collaborative working relationships, particularly with councils and with those agencies involved in transport, housing, skills, employment, policing and health. The purpose of this activity is: · Work closely with other public sector organisations · Support regional resilience planning and resourcing The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: · Regional Strategic Co-ordinating Group: (Senior leaders from West Midlands Police, Councils, NHS, PHE, WMCA) reporting to COBR in London · Regular Mayor and Council Leaders Conference Calls (Mayor, Council Leaders, Respective Chief Executives, briefed by other agency leaders e.g. Chief Constable of West Midlands Police) · Calls between the Mayor and leaders from the NHS, Public Health England, Police and other public bodies. |
Protecting the Regional EconomyContext: The public health measures, which have been implemented to slow the spread of COVID-19, are having a huge impact on the West Midlands economy. Government has put in place unprecedented support measures to help businesses and workers through this time. The WMCA is working with representative organisations to make sure that this support is getting through to businesses and workers, and is working on plans to accelerate the economic recovery after the COVID-19 outbreak. The purpose of this activity is: · Monitor the latest economic situation for businesses in the West Midlands · Ensure Government support is reaching West Midlands businesses and workers · Lobbying Government to secure further support for West Midlands businesses and workers · Prepare for the economic recovery following the COVID-19 outbreak · Connecting West Midlands businesses with the frontline public sector organisations e.g. the NHS, who may need support. The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: · Regular Economic Contingency Group meetings (WMCA, Councils, TUC, LEPs, Chambers of Commerce, West Midlands Growth Company, Bank of England, BEIS) Latest updates: · Set up West Midlands COVID-19 Business Support website, which sets out the support available to businesses and key contacts in the West Midlands [WMCA, 25 March 2020]· Lobbied for further support for self-employed workers, in the run up to the Chancellor’s announcement of further measures [WMCA, 24 March 2020; GOV.UK, 26 March 2020]· Promoted Government request for engineering support for ventilator manufacturing to West Midlands firms [GOV.UK, 16 March 2020], with Meggitt, the aerospace company based in Coventry, forming part of the VentilatorChallengeUK consortium [Meggitt, 30 March 2020]· Organising a series of sector-based business roundtables to understand the impact of COVID-19 on different sectors and how well current support plans are working · Working with banks (Lloyds, NatWest, HSBC UK and Barclays) in the region to ensure that businesses have sufficient liquidity. |
Running the Transport NetworkContext: Due to the Government’s guidance limiting people’s movement, Transport for West Midlands has been working with operators to reduce the number of services to the appropriate level to be sufficient for key workers. The purpose of this activity is: · Run a limited service to allow key workers to access work and residents to be able to access essential shopping and healthcare · Protect the health and safety of all those working on the transport network · Ensure that operators are able to able to reinstate full transport services when the lockdown is finished. The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: · TfWM · Bus Alliance (bus operators across the West Midlands) · West Midlands Rail Executive (councils and rail operators in the West Midlands) Latest updates: · Train, Metro and rail networks are operating reduced services because of the updated Government COVID-19 guidance [West Midlands Network, 30 March 2020]· 86% reduction in public transport journeys in the West Midlands as the public follow Government advice [TfWM, 29 March 2020]· Public are urged not to travel in the West Midlands unless absolutely necessary [TfWM, 23 March 2020]· Train franchise agreements are suspended and emergency measures are implemented where train companies operate services for a management fee [GOV.UK, 23 March 2020]· Transport construction projects controlled by TfWM, including Midland Metro Alliance works are temporarily paused [MMA, 23 March 2020]· Peak time travel restrictions are lifted for older passengers to be able to access dedicated supermarket opening hours [TfWM, 18 March 2020]· Cleaning services are strengthened on bus, train and metro services across the West Midlands. [TfWM, 18 March 2020] |
Supporting All Our CommunitiesContext: During this challenging time for the region, all communities need to come together to support people, particularly those who are vulnerable. WMCA and councils are working together to ensure that community efforts can contribute to the overall response to the COVID-19 outbreak effectively. The purpose of this activity is: · Work with faith and community organisations to co-ordinate support for those who need it · Support vulnerable communities in the West Midlands like those with mental health issues, disabilities or the homeless · The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: · Faith leaders who have previously been engaged by WMCA, for example at the Mayor and Faith Conference · WMCA and Mayor’s Office working closely with local authorities Latest updates: · Set up Community Support Hub website, where people can find local groups near them [WMCA, 27 March 2020]· Making a listing of online learning courses available for people who are furloughed or working from home in the West Midlands [WMCA, 27 March 2020]· Hosted a webinar meeting of faith leaders to discuss community support offered by faith groups, encourage congregations to worship safely from home, and tackling hate crime · Launched a new call for donations to the Change Into Action alternative giving scheme to help the homeless in the West Midlands [WMCA, 25 March 2020] |
Communicating with the PublicContext: During the COVID-19 outbreak, it is critical that the public understand the medical guidance and act accordingly to tackle the virus. Due to restrictions on contact, public services will also have to change, and these changes need communicating to the public. Furthermore, this will be a worrying time for residents, and there is a need to reassure and comfort people, and to celebrate positive stories of people supporting one another through the crisis. The purpose of this activity is: · Ensure people in the West Midlands understand the Government’s guidance · Provide clear regional guidance on changes to public services, such as new transport timetables or skills provision · Explain what is being done in the West Midlands and reassure the public that there is a committed regional response to the crisis · Make the case for further Government support. The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: · Regular Regional Press Briefing Sessions: These briefing sessions for the press are hosted by representatives from a range of public sector organisations in the region, including the Mayor, Public Health England, the NHS, West Midlands Police, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Birmingham City Council, and the Local Resilience Forum · West Midlands Regional Communications Directors’ Calls: These calls allow Communications Directors from councils, WMCA and other public bodies to co-ordinate communications activities across the West Midlands. Latest updates: · Amplifying the Government’s official guidance on COVID-19 to people in the West Midlands through WMCA’s communications channels · Providing clear regional guidance on changes to public services, such as new transport timetables or skills provision · Explaining what is being done in the West Midlands and making the case for further Government support through the Mayor’s media appearances. |
Adapting WMCA’s Own OperationsContext: WMCA as an organisation has responsibilities for supporting economic growth in the West Midlands, including transport, housing, skills, and making sure everyone in the West Midlands benefits from that economic growth through work on areas like mental health and homelessness. During the COVID-19 outbreak, WMCA will adapt to support the immediate needs of the West Midlands, working closely with public sector partners, and will also ensure that essential WMCA activities continue. The purpose of this activity is: · Keep our staff and those of our suppliers safe and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak · Reprioritise effort towards meeting the immediate needs for tackling the COVID-19 outbreak · Ensure essential WMCA operations continue. The structures leading this work in the West Midlands are: · WMCA Senior Leadership Team, led by Deborah Cadman, Chief Executive, WMCA · TfWM Leadership Team, led by Laura Shoaf, Managing Director, TfWM Latest updates: · Staff members have been instructed to work from home if they can, and only essential staff can work at the WMCA office at 16 Summer Lane in Birmingham · Supporting WMCA suppliers by shortening payment terms from ’30 days’ to ‘zero days’ and bolstering the team to ensure fast payments [WMCA]· Providing financial assurances to colleges and adult education providers in the West Midlands about future payments from WMCA. [WMCA, 24 March 2020] |
Heading: Coronavirus (COVID19) – ISOLATION
Date: 31/03/2020
If you are in self-isolation because you have or may have contracted Covid-19 it is vital that you let us know as soon as possible so that we can contact the rest of the residents to let them know that they should take extra precautions and increase their sanitation and so that, as necessary, we can organise a deep clean of the communal areas in accordance with PHE guidance.
When you contact us, please can you also advise how you are organising deliveries, particularly food, to your apartment and how rubbish is to be disposed of. Please remember: –
- rubbish should only be placed outside of your apartment door at a specific time for collection.
- that whoever is picking up the rubbish should be properly protected.
- that all rubbish must be double bagged.
- rubbish which contains personal waste (e.g. tissues) and cleaning cloths must be isolated within the flat for 72 hours before being disposed of in communal bin stores.
We would also ask that you also let us know if you become aware that any of your neighbours have gone into self-isolation.
For further useful guidance regarding isolation and social distancing please go to
Heading: Coronavirus (COVID19) – update
Date: 24/03/2020
Details: Following government guidelines, all staff for Compass Block Management are working remotely from home until further notice. Please continue to report any block maintenance issues via our online reporting system.
If you wish to speak to a member of staff by phone but are experiencing any problems getting through, please email [email protected]. Please leave your name, phone number, first line of your address and a quick summary of your enquiry in order that we may forward onto the relevant member of staff to respond to you.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to maintain services as much as possible during this period.
Heading: Coronavirus (COVID19)
Date: 18/03/2020
Details: As you will be aware, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is spreading across the country and is a cause for concern for all of us. It is anticipated that COVID-19 will cause disruption to all businesses and to our day-to-day lives over the coming weeks and months.
As the government’s guidance is likely to change as time passes, we would like to make you aware we have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place to enable us to maintain a level of service during these unprecedented and difficult times.
Our office is currently open, but we have systems in place to allow our staff to work remotely if required. However, in the event that our BCP is put into effect and our office has to close, even with key staff working from home and engineers/contractors in the field, it is highly likely that you will experience some disruption in the services provided due to reduced capability. We will do whatever we can to minimise any such disruption but would ask for your patience and understanding while we work to maintain services during this period.
You will appreciate this is an evolving situation. We will continue to act on the advice provided by Public Health England and will inform you if there is any material change to our business continuity.
For further information and the latest advice regarding COVID-19, please visit: –
As it important that we are all kept up to date about the spread of COVID-19, we ask that you inform us immediately if you or if you know of anyone in your apartment block who has either been diagnosed with COVID-19 or advised to self-isolate. We can then make the other residents and the building service contractors aware of the situation.
We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Important – For Owners & Residents
To help protect the developments and individual properties during this period, we urge owners to ensure that all their electrical appliances, boilers, heaters, water supply, kitchen and bathroom plumbing are checked and maintained to minimise leaks. For all owners & residents, please ensure that the security of the development is maintained by ensuring the communal doors are shut when entering and exiting the premises. Please also be mindful of your neighbours regarding noise, especially during the day with more people having to work from home during this difficult period.
Heading: Water Supply
Date: 13/03/2020
Details: Severn Trent have advised they are will be in the area between 16th March until 22nd March 2020 to carry out some essential maintenance works and checks on the pipes. They advise that in order to cause as little disruption as possible they will only be working between the hours of 10.00pm and 6.00am from Monday – Sunday. They state that their work will only impact on your property for a short amount of time as they progress through the area. Please see letter attached for further information and useful advice if you find that your water is discoloured – Severn Trent Letter – Kingscourt Arena
Heading: Roller Shutter – Blocks C & D
Date: 12/11/19
Details: Unfortunately, the roller shutter is not working for Blocks C & D. Contractors have been out to check the electrics and the main roller shutter company are arranging for an engineer to attend.
Heading: Roller Shutter – Blocks C & D
Date: 10/09/19
Details: Following contractor attendance and a replacement part being ordered, contractors are due to attend on 17th September 2019 for the repair.
Heading: Remedial Works
Date: 10/09/19
Details: Contractors have been instructed to attend to the following works:-
- Blocks C & D Car Park Entrance: there is a gate to the side of the roller shutter which previously has been bolted shut. Someone has taken these out and it needs to be re-secured, ideally in some way that is permanent.
- Block C Door Exiting onto 1/F Balcony: please install a digi-lock onto this door so that we can control access to the balcony.
- Block A Entrance: the three lights in the porch ceiling directly in front of the Block A entrance and City-Nites office entrance don’t appear to be working and need checking/repairing.
Heading: Lift Panel in Block B
Date: 06/09/19
Details: We have booked out Jackson Lifts given that the panel in the lift for Block B is currently lit up and the alarm symbol is illuminated.
Heading: No Smoking Policy
Date: 06/09/19
Details: A reminder that smoking is strictly prohibited within the communal areas whether inside or out. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this is relayed to your tenants to avoid incurring breach of lease charges.
Heading: Lights and power out in Block A
Date: 02/09/19
Details: We can confirm that an engineer was immediately booked out following reports that the lights and power were out at Block A. The contractors acknowledged us and know that it is marked as urgent.
Heading: Lifts in Blocks A & B out of order
Date: 14/08/19
Details: We can confirm that an engineer from Jackson Lifts is booked to attend to the issue with the lifts not working.
Heading: Water Pump Maintenance Work
Date: 18/07/19
Details: Please be advised that maintenance works will be carried out to the water tank on Monday 29th July 2019. As such, the water supply will be switched off between 10.00am – 4.00pm whilst works are being undertaken. Please ensure that all taps are turned off on the day so that when the water supply is turned back on, this will avoid any leaks within your property. Thanking you for your co-operation and apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Heading: Water Pump Cleaning
Date: 20/06/19
Details: The water tank will be cleaned and the chlorination checked on 29th July 2019 for Kings Court and 24th June 2019 for Arena View. This may cause a disruption to the water supply between 10.00am – 3.00pm whilst this service is carried out. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Heading: Roller Shutter Gate
Date: 13/05/19
Details: Contractors have been booked out to attend to the roller shutter gate following a report that the gate is stuck.
Heading: Water Pump Cleaning
Date: 13/03/19
Details: The water tank will be cleaned and the chlorination checked on Thursday 13th June 2019 for Kings Court and Monday 24th June 2019 for Arena View. This may cause a disruption to the water supply between 10.00am – 3.00pm whilst this service is carried out. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Heading: Lift Number 1
Date: 12/03/19 – UPDATE
Details: The lift engineer has been in attendance and we have been updated to advise that the lift is now in full working order.
Heading: Lift Number 1
Date: 12/03/19 – UPDATE
Details: The contractor has been in attendance in relation to the electric supply. We have been advised that the lift is still stuck on the top floor with the doors stuck half open / half closed. We have contacted the lift engineers immediately asking that an engineer attends urgently.
Heading: Lift Number 1
Date: 11/03/19 – UPDATE
Details: We have been advised that the engineer has been in attendance and there is no fault with the lift itself. The issue is down to the electric supply to the lift on site. We have therefore booked out an electrical contractor to attend as soon as possible.
Heading: Lift Number 1
Date: 11/03/19
Details: We can confirm that the lift engineer has been instructed to the lift that is out of order.
Heading: Faulty Vehicular Gates
Date: 22/02/19
Details: Contractors have been instructed and a contractor will be on site shortly to attend to the issue with the faulty gates. The gates have been left open in the meantime.
Heading: Fire Panel Blocks A and B
Date: 19/02/19
Details: Contractors have been instructed and a contractor will be on site tomorrow (Wednesday 20th February 2019) to deal with the issue of the fault to the alarm for Blocks A and B.
Heading: Meter Readings
Date: 19/02/19
Details: To confirm that from Wednesday 20th February 2019, residents can gain their meter readings direct by accessing the meter cupboards following the installation of digi locks today. Please note that the code is provided within the Handbook for this development (located within the tabs for the development on this site) but for quick ease of reference the code is C0312Y.
Heading: Meter Readings
Date: 08/02/19
Details: Contractors are booked to install digi locks to the meter cupboards. Once installed then residents will be able to gain their meter readings as required. Please revert to the Handbook within this development information for details and code information thank you.
Heading: Lift in Block A
Date: 25/10/18
Details: We have received a report that the unit panel inside the lift at Block A has fallen off again. We have contacted the lift engineers, Otis, asking them to attend as soon as possible especially as they confirmed that they had previously attended on 6th October 2018.
Heading: Replacement of Carpets to Communal Areas
Date: 22/10/18
Details: We have now entered into a contract for the carrying out the replacement of carpets to the communal areas as first described in the notice of intention to leaseholders dated 14th August 2018. We can confirm that T & D Group have been formally instructed and we await confirmation on the start date for works.
Heading: Recycling Bins
Date: 09/10/18
Details: We have spoken with the Council today who have confirmed that there is a city wide problem with the collection of the recycling bins. Can we ask that in the meantime residents dispose of all rubbish including their recycling rubbish in the general waste paladins provided. Please ensure that all cardboard is broken down to fit into the bin allowing for other residents to add items too. Please do not leave items outside of the bins as this will not be collected. Thanking you for your co-operation.
Heading: Lift in Block A
Date: 03/10/18
Details: The lift engineers, Otis, have been booked out to attend to the unit panel inside the lift at Block A which is falling off.
Heading: Car Park Space Numbering
Date: 25/09/18
Details: We are looking to obtain recommendations and quotations for car park spacing and numbering following reports that some residents are parking their additional cars in other residents’ spaces. Please note that residents must only park within their allocated space. For residents with more than one vehicle you will need to make alternative parking arrangements outside of the development for your additional vehicles.
Heading: Lights and sensors
Date: 25/09/18
Details: We have instructed contractors to attend to look at the lights and sensors on site with the possibility of putting more sensors on site.
Heading: Leaks
Date: 20/09/18
Details: Contractors have been booked out to attend to a leaking pipe in the car park in Blocks C and D. They have also been booked to attend to slow leak from pipes under Block B which is going into car park for Blocks A and B.
Heading: Issue with light outside Apartment 29
Date: 19/09/18
Details: Contractors have been booked out to attend to the light that has gone outside Apartment 29.
Heading: Automatic Gates Update
Date: 17/08/18
Details: The gate specialist company has advised that their engineer should be on site between 2.30pm and 3.00pm today to repair the gates.
Heading: Automatic Gates Update
Date: 15/08/18
Details: The gate specialist company has provided a quotation for works following their attendance yesterday. The works have been authorised and they are organising for a contractor to attend on site tomorrow to repair.
Heading: Automatic Gates
Date: 15/08/18
Details: Following a report that there was an issue with the gates, contractors have been in attendance. Unfortunately, the system is not resetting. The gate specialist company has therefore been instructed for attendance today.
Heading: Intercom Front Door
Date: 15/08/18
Details: We understand that the intercom is not working in Block B. Contractors have been instructed to attend.
Heading: Front Door
Date: 15/08/18
Details: Contractors have been instructed to attend to the front door following a report that the door is not closing and is staying open.
Date: 20/06/18
Details: FIRE SAFETY – we would remind all residents that details of what to do in the event of a fire can be found by clicking on the YOUR HANDBOOK tab above and scrolling to the FIRE SAFETY SECTION that starts on page 8.
Heading: Intercom outside Block B
Date: 15/06/18
Details: Contractors have attended to the intercom as no audio or speech coming through door panel. Parts have now been replaced and should all be in working order.
Heading: Smoking
Date: 14/06/18
Details: Please note that smoking is strictly prohibited within the communal areas whether inside or out. For leaseholders with tenants in situ, please ensure that this is relayed to your tenants. Thank you.
Heading: Bins & Homeless People
Date: 30/05/18
Details: A reminder for all residents to ensure that they close and lock the bin codes as there have been reports of a few homeless people setting up in the bin stores and making a mess.
If you do also have problems with homeless people at the development, please do not hesitate to contact the police via their “101” number as advised to us by them. Thank you.
Heading: Intercom – Block B
Date: 18/05/18
Details: Contractors have been booked out following notification that there is an issue with the intercom for Block B.
Heading: Smoking
Date: 16/05/18
Details: For smokers, please note that there are signs with regards to smoking in and around the development which must be adhered to. Please do not throw cigarette ends on the floor or look to extinguish cigarettes by using the walls of the development. Thanking you for your co-operation.
Heading: Disruption to Water Supply
Date: 05/04/18
Details: Please note that the annual water tank chlorination will be taking place on Thursday 19th April 2018 for Kings Court and Tuesday 24th April 2018 for Arena View. As a result, the water supply to your apartments will be turned off for approximately 4 hours while the chlorination takes place. Please be prepared for this disruption. We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your co-operation and understanding.
Heading: LED Lights in Car Park
Date: 28/03/18
Details: We note that several LED lights are out in the car park. A contractor has been assigned and ordered the replacements and will fit once received.
Heading: Issues with Aerial
Date: 29/01/18
Details: The contractor has attended and repaired the fault to the main aerial so all is in working order.
Heading: Exterior Redecoration
Date: 22/11/17
Details: The exterior redecoration is now underway and will be ongoing for the remainder of the year. Thank you for your cooperation throughout the course of the works.